𝟎𝟕 | Rescue Mission

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Above in the media are the latest and maddening Nigeria albums as of recent!😩✨My best being, Ag baby and Twice as tall. Which is yours?!

My last made me feel like I would never try again. But when I saw you I felt something I never felt.
-𝓣𝓻𝓮𝓿𝓸𝓻 𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓲𝓮𝓵

Narrator's POV

"Dude what the hell?!" Jide's voice reeled Jamal out of his deep thoughts. He glared at the former as he stuffed his things into his sportsbag.

"What?" Jamal asked not so innocently.

Jerry hissed as he replied. "He just said our manager has spoken to Yure. You know Yure the headboy of Castron high na."

"Ohh." Jamal replied absentmindedly still wondering how and when Yure got into thier discussion. Everyone knows Castron high school-heck CIGs has done a lot of competitions with them. Rumours has it that the current head girl of Castron high-the ruthless Giwa Falade had finished the head girl of CIGs with just her mouth which happens to be Aramide cousin, Cheryl. It was very epic that Chery had her match. The school also has the popular and vast known model-Shade Onam and now Yure who is an upcoming artiste. As Jamal zipped his bag, the two other guys simultaneously smacked him upside on his head in a split of seconds.

"JESUS! guys afar na? Una wan kill me?" Jamal retorted in pidgin as he used his hands to touch his head that was already paining him slightly. The two guys ignored his outburst as they continued to eye him questionably. Jamal gave up after some minutes as he dumped the sportsbag in his hands to the changing room floor and stood akimbo facing his two best friends squarely.

"Seriously Jamal you've been like this recently. Always having mood swings like a girl PMSing." Jerry said as he rubbed his forehead frustratedly.

"We've been bestfriends for years guy. What's the problem?" Jide added softly as he crossed his hands over his chest, seeking an explanation. Jamal creased his eyebrows as he stared far away ignoring the intense gaze of the duo standing before him. True that this guys before him plus Kiki has been his best friends and backbone since they were much younger. But could he possibly tell them the reason behind his deep lost in thoughts was because of the stupid dare they involved themselves at the expense of someone? And also to complicate matters, his stupid excuse of an uncle is back at home.

So much for being a celebrity.

He wanders away from the thoughts of his toxic home as he thought about her.

There's this unexplainable aura he always experience whenever she was close to them. And to always announce her presence unknowingly, her lovely strawberry and Jasmine flower scent graces wherever she enters. The combo is so great and alluring that she dosen't know it causes havoc to others around her. Her pink bottom lips that she bites daily because of shyness and nervousness. Full lips that moves in a perfect sync anytime she talks. Her brownish-coffee orbs of the pupils in her eyes that widens and glitens with giddiness anytime she's in a good mood, whenever she's excited or happy and whenever she's gisting with her friends.

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