"You look phenomenal!" said Mrs. Weasley, wiping a tear and giving me a hug.

"Wait till Fred sees you in that" grinned Padma.

"Gosh I have the sexiest sister on the planet" said Ginny.

"Yea well wait till Hermione joins the family" I smirked and she blushed.

"Shut up" she murmured.

"Are you guys about ready yet?" I could hear Ron's voice.

Ron and Draco, who surprisingly promised not to fight with each other, immediately stopped in their tracks as soon as they entered The Burrow.

"Alice you look.." started Ron.

"Beautiful" finished Draco.

I blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. My heart was beating out of my chest, I was going to be married within the next hour.

"I'm ready" I said quietly.

"But Alice, it's cold outside, don't you need a sweater or something?" asked Bella.

"No. I'm perfectly fine" I said shakily.

Ron and Draco stood on either side of me, linking their arms in mine.

"You look lovely" Draco whispered in my ear.

Thank you" I said quietly.

"You're going to do so well, don't be nervous" Ron whispered in my other ear.

I was so lucky to have them, they really were the best brothers I could ask for, except for George of course. And now, Bill, Charlie, and Percy. All of a sudden, from having one mother, I now went to having a very big family. And I couldn't be more ecstatic about it.

"C'mon, it's almost 5 PM, we better get going" said Mrs. Weasley, "me and Arthur have to go to Fred" she said, hurrying out.

Bill walked Fleur, Percy walked Ginny and Harry walked Hermione. Bella was going to be walked by Charlie, the both of them had become very good friends, sharing their love for dragons.

Once all of them left, it was my turn.

"Ready?" asked Ron and Draco. I nodded.

Ron pushed the door open before standing next to me. Then, we walked out. I could hear the chairs shifting as everyone stood up, the band played the instrumental version of 'Vincent' by Don McLean, the song Fred and I had danced to.

Everything was done up beautifully, the glass jars floating in the air with the candles in them, the flowers strews in random spots, the navy blue sky with the mist hanging low. It was exhilarating.

And then, my eye caught Fred's. I noticed that his lip was quivering slightly. He looked handsome as ever in his tux. Inappropriate thoughts started running through my mind.

'Now is not the time fuck face' I scolded myself.

I smiled gently at Fred, trying to remain calm. Once I reached the altar, I hugged Draco and then Ron before facing Fred.

Arthur was officiating the wedding, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

'Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..' Arthur started to speak but I couldn't focus. I had already lost myself in Fred's eyes. He stared intently back at me and mouthed: 'You look beautiful'. I smiled, wanting to pounce on him right then and there. 

"And now for the wedding vows" said Arthur.

Fred cleared his throat, we had promised each other we'd keep it short.

"Al, I have to catch my breath to make sure this is real, that I'm marrying my true love, my best friend, you. I want to spend the rest of our lives together, making you laugh and making you know that I love you, not just for this moment, not for an hour or a day or a year, I will always love you" he said, his eyes crinkling as he smiled wide.

"I know I loved you from the very beginning, and I've been hopelessly lost in your eyes ever since. I love the spark inside of you, the sparks between us, the sparks that make me feel warm and loved every single day. I love you more than you will ever know Fred and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you" I said, trying my best not to cry.

"Do you Alice Aster Malvolio, take Frederick Gideon Weasley to be your lawfully wedded husband?" asked Arthur.

"I do" I said, without thinking. 

"And do you Frederick Gid" - "Dad!" interrupted Fred, he hated his full name. I laughed. And here was another thing I loved about him, the ability to make any serious situation funny.

"Sorry, and do you Fred Weasley, take Alice Aster Malvolio as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do"

Before Arthur could say 'you may kiss the bride', Fred walked forward, wrapped one arm around my waist and put his other one on my cheek before leaning in to press his lips on mine.

"I love you Alice Malvolio Weasley" he murmured against my lips before leaning in again.


"C'MON FRED! DO IT! DO IT!" Chanted all the Weasley brothers, Dean, Seamus, Emma, Ginny and Bella.

I stood awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor as Fred walked over to me, a smirk on his face. Oh Merlin.

"Brace yourself" he whispered as he got closer to me. He bent down to stand on his knees, lifted my wedding gown and went underneath it. I brushed crazily, holding the back of Fred's head from over my dress.

Mrs. Weasley shook her head and Mr. Weasley laughed.

Under my dress, Fred kissed the side of my knee before sticking his tongue out and licking up to my mid-thigh. I tried to control my facial features as much as possible as he sucked on my inner thigh. His hand massages the back of my thighs as he continued kissing me intimately. I was so glad no one could see through the dress.

"F-Fred" I whimpered quietly, looking down at the ground so that no one could see my face.

Fred chuckled, blowing hot air on my skin, if no one was around me I would've bucked my hips up for more contact.

Then, very slowly, he brought his teeth to the garter around my leg and untied it with ease. He held it in his hand and pulled it out before coming out from under my dress, his face flushed red.

"Took you long enough!" George wolf-whistled.

Fred dropped the garter on the ground next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his forehead on mine.

A muggle song began to play, a song from Amelie's collection called 'Falling in Love at A Coffee shop'.

"Was that okay?" he smirked.

"Apart from the fact that I almost came in the middle of the dance floor?" I smirked back, pecking him on his lips and he laughed into the kiss.

"We're actually married" said Fred, a wide smile on his face as we swayed on the dance floor. Everyone else around us danced happily too, others laughed and talked, sipping on their drinks.

"And now I'm Alice Weasley" I chuckled, liking the sound of the new addition to my name.

"Say that one more time and I'm going to have to take you back to our bedroom right now" Fred said, lowering his voice.

"Not so fast, we have all the time left in the world" I said.

Fred tapped the locket he had gifted me a long time ago, lying between my collarbones.

"We do, don't we Al?"

Everything had fallen into place.

And everything was beautiful.

Before you (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now