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"Alice, what's that on your hand?" Jenna asked me as we walked towards the Room of Requirement. She had been trying to make conversation with me, but frankly, I was in no mood to talk to her. It was unfair of me to make assumptions but something about her just irked me.

"Nothing" I said, hiding my hand behind my back.

"It has to be something if you're hiding it like that"

If I didn't tell her she wouldn't stop pestering me so I lifted my hand up and showed her the fading scars.

"I must obey the rules" She murmured, reading off of my palm.

"How on Earth did you manage to do that?" She asked.

"Detention. Umbridge"

"Why were you in detention?"

"Because Fred and I kissed"

Jenna didn't say anything after that, when I looked at her I thought I saw her smirk but that could have been my imagination.

"Today, we're going to learn the Patronus charm. This lesson is the last one for this term, we're out for Christmas Break after that" Harry announced as we walked into the room of requirement.

"Oooh I've always wanted to know what my patronus was!" Jenna chirped.

"Hey Alice" Fred and George said simultaneously, walking towards me.

"Hi Fred, George, how's it going?" I smirked at George.

"Excellent" George grinned, knowing exactly what I was on about.

"Hi Fred" Jenna batted her eyelashes at Fred.

If I could cut those eyelashes, I would.

I shook the silly thought away, it's just how Jenna was, I was no one to judge her.

"Alright everybody, watch me" said Harry. He had grown a lot more confident about the DA classes over the past few months. I was really proud of him.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" He yelled and a thin ray of blue light emanated from his wand, materialising into a beautiful, transparent, blue stag.

Everyone marvelled at the sight.

"Now your turn, remember the wand movements and the happy memories"

I waved my wand around and said the incantation but nothing happened. I had noticed that George had already managed to produce a patronus; a magpie.

I watched Fred, who after many tries produced one as well. His was also a magpie.

"One for sorrow, two for joy" I murmured to myself, a smile reaching my face.

"And they're both talkative thieves" I shook my head, focusing on my wand.

After five more tries, I finally managed to produce my patronus which turned out to be a hedgehog.

"A hedgehog is a perfect representation of you" Fred laughed as he saw the tiny Hedgehog patronus scuttle across the ground.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You know..they're all cute and adorable, until you annoy them that is. Then they're spiky and scary as fuck" said Fred.

I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Oh my god Fred your patronus is lovely!" Jenna squealed.

"Thanks Jenna" Fred nodded.

"What was your happy thought?" I asked him.

"The time when I had managed to transfigure Ron's teddy bear into a spider when I was five" Fred laughed, probably thinking back to the incident.

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