Late Chats and Made Plans

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Harry grabbed the underwear and put them on his bedside table. “Pretty sure I don’t need to explain.”

“Dylan and you? In the car? Wow! So you guys are together now?” He asked. Louis had the expression of a five year old on Christmas.

“No. Not exactly. We are friends with benefits. Which was what I suggested in the first place.” And just like that Louis face fell like when that same kid who just found out Santa was not real.

“You can’t be ok with that?” he asked shocked and confused.

Harry knew Dylan was under the bed so he had to try and play it as cool as he could, “It’s ok mate.”

“You tell her you love her, she crushes your heart into a million pieces, she comes back and suggests you have casual sex and you are ok with that?”

He couldn’t lie to Louis. But he also couldn’t tell him how much it sucked that  this was the only way he could be with her and this was the only way he would agree to it. “You really know how to wrap up a wrap-up. Louis I am not happy about it but what else can I do? I want to be with her and if this is the only way I can so be it. Plus she leaves in three months and I will be able to move on after the fact.”

“I don’t know how your mind works. After three months of sex you think you are going to be ok with letting her leave?”

“I am going to try. Can we please finish this conversation tomorrow? I am knackered and we have interviews in the morning.” He leaned back onto his pillow.

“Alright. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.” He walked out of the room and Harry felt Dylan begin to move out from under the bed. She stood up looking upset.

He sat up worried, “Are you ok?”

She smiled, “Yeah. Yeah. I’m fine.” She began to walk back towards the door. But stopped and turned back to face him, “Are you sure you are ok with this?”

“Not you too,” he rolled his eyes annoyed and sat up looking at her, “I chose to do this. What we do, I chose. Ok?”  She nodded and looked back towards the door but then turned back to face him.

She walked back over to the bed, grabbed her underwear put it on under her dress and then slipped the dress off again. His eyes bulged, “What are you doing?”

“I believe you called it a sleepover.” She smiled and climbed across him to the empty side of the bed. He could not help but huff out a laugh and reached to turn off the light, “Wait,” he turned back towards her,  “Could we actually keep it on for a little bit?” she asked as she was crawling under the covers. He nodded and laid down, “How was your tour?”

“Long. It feels good to be back. I never thought I would miss a bed as much as I did. And I owe my parents a visit so I am planning to go home.”

“Aw. That’s sweet. I am sure they miss you terribly.” She looked over at his and turned her body to fully face him. He turned towards her and propped his head on his hand.

“Yeha. My dad has his girlfriend and my mum seems ok with the empty nest.”

“Parents divorced?”

“Yeah unless it would be awkward for my dads girlfriend.” They both laughed so casually.

“True. Dumb question.”

“Not really. What about your parents?” he asked.

“Still together after thirty two years.”

“Wow. Impressive but that wasn’t what I meant. I meant do they miss you?”

She again laughed embarrassed, “Oh Sorry. Yeah I think so but being 24 they had time to get over me not being home. These next few months are nothing for them.”

“They must be proud of you.” He smiled proudly at her.

“So must yours” She poked him caringly. They began to talk about all different things about their lives. Harry was getting to know Dylan more then he ever had. He started to learn little things (sorry couldn’t resist) about her he had never noticed before. He realized he had even more to love about her. Before he knew it she said, “Wow we talked all night.” She nudged past him towards the window.

He turned to look out the window and saw the first glimpse of light break through the curtains. “so much for a good nights rest,” he stretched, “Didn’t you have to run errands today?”

She yawned and then rubbed her eyes, “Yeah. The basic supplies and then some snacks for the apartement. Living alone is weird.”


“Oh Yeah! I didn’t tell you last night. I got my own flat. Small but perfect for little old me.”

“Congratz! If you need anything let me know. I am sure the boys can come to help.” He climbed out of bed to walk towards his dresser.

“Thanks buddy.” She giggled and began to get out of bed. “You’re right. I should head out. Plus you have interviews this morning.”

“I wish I could call out.” He groaned and complained.

“I don’t think you are allowed to in your line of work,” She laughed and grabbed her purse, “Have fun at your parents houses this weekend.”

“You should come with me.” He blurted it out before he could stop himself. That seemed to happen a lot with her.

She turned to face him. She looked a bit uncomfortable, “Harry I don’t think that would be –“

He quickly cut her off, “As fuck buddies, I believe you stipulated anywhere, anytime. After visiting my parents I know I am going to need some sort of release.” He smirked walking up to her and giving her bum a light tap.

She laughed, “You have a point their. Parents do put a lot of stress into a life…all right I will go. I don’t have anything planned.”

“Great. See you Thursday.”

She nodded and opened the door to see Louis’ ear now on an empty doorway. “Mornin’ Lou.” She smiled brightly and walked past him. She turned to wave to Harry who quickly gave a small flick of the wrist.

Thank you to all who read!! Review below please and thank you!! :)

Plain and Simple (Harry Styles Fan Fic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora