xviii - no distractions

Start from the beginning

The moon made her eyes shimmer and I knew , I knew that if I didn't take this chance I would miss my shot . So I bent down and touched my lips to hers. Everything around us faded away as wave after wave of electricity coursed through my body . Tasting her sweet lips was more than I imagined and to me , this was like having a first kiss.

To me , all the other kisses were practice for this one moment . Just when I began to doubt if she felt the same , she pulled me closer to her as she grabbed my neck and ran her fingers through my hair.

This was the moment that Hollywood would always depict in the movies.  A kiss that I never believed existed and now here is Aria proving to me that this is real .

When we pulled apart our breaths were heavy trying to get oxygen back into our lungs.  She stared at me with passion in her eyes and before we can say another word, our lips crashed into each other again . Like the waves against the rocks we couldn't stop.


I don't know what came over us but I was not expecting that kiss . At least not from Alex. And what I wasn't expecting even more, was the feeling I got from it . He elicited a deep desire that's been smoldering inside of me . Was it for him or simply to be touched by a man? I couldn't tell you .

But that kiss was fire and the heat that rushed through my body told me that this attraction is real . Wouldn't this complicate our arrangement? Probably.  But if he's like me , he has needs too.

Is it a bad idea to get this physical? Maybe , maybe not . Maybe, this is purely physical for him ? I can't answer that but all I know is that at this very moment,  I want him .


The next morning came and I was woken up by the warm rays of the sun that were peeking through the window. Memories of last night came back to me as I looked over to see Alex's glorious naked body . We both wanted it and threw caution at the wind .

The question weighing on me as I move out of the bed to find something to put on is if this was a good or bad decision . Will this complicate things or will it push us into a direction we're supposed to go. So many emotions coursing through me . This was new. New because I acted on impulse . Even Dylan didn't get this far with me this quickly. But there was something about last night that changed things.

Wanting to do something nice for Alex , I grabbed my phone to order us some breakfast.  My app said that we should have the food in 45 minutes so I went into the shower to clean up . What I wasn't expecting was someone to join me in the shower .

"What are you doing in here?" I ask him

"It'd be a waste of water if we took showers separately," he said , "besides, I'm not done with you yet," not finishing his sentence before he captured my lips with his tugging my bottom lip with his teeth.

He growled and well, we went another round before we finally got dressed.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Alex asks as he walks over to the door.

"I ordered food for breakfast," I answered him .

I walked over to the front where he had opened the door and I heard him say , "what are you doing here?"

"I've been trying to call you all night," I hear an exasperated voice say . I peered over and I see a disheveled looking Warren.

"What's going on ?" Alex asked .

Warren looks between Alex and I and says , "Penny's in the hospital and I thought you'd want to know."

I know she's a big part of their past but why was he calling Alex?

Dumbfounded , Alex was still . And then he asked , "How did you know I was here?"

"I have the GPS on everyone's phone , remember? And before you ask me why I was calling you , apparently her last phone calls were to you ."

It was like I was hammered back into reality . Alex made no mention about this to me . Not like it would've mattered had he said anything before . But after last night and this morning,  I'm feeling all sorts of things but the biggest one is confusion.

"Which hospital?" Alex asked .

Warren gave him the address and Alex looked at me with an apologetic expression . I was even more confused than ever but I know I should be pissed . Play the girlfriend role of being angry that he hid this from me . And you know what? I don't have to fake that one bit .

As Alex left , our breakfast arrived and Warren looked at me . Before he can apologize I cut him off , "I don't want this to go to waste, want to eat before you take off?"

"Take off? How are you getting home?" He asked with concern.

"I can order a ride, no biggie."

He gives me an odd look, "do you want me to take you home? Or take you to the hospital?"

I can feel a low simmer begin to brew , "what for? My boyfriend seems to have been in contact with his ex that I had zero clue about. Seems like I pick all the faithful ones , huh?"

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