Chapter 20

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I woke up with the worst headache ever. I looked at my surroundings and came into a conclusion that I am in Niall's bedroom. Niall was asleep next to me but he was as far away from me as possible. Well that's weird. Usually he has his arms around me when we sleep. Did I do something wrong?

I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. So I just tried to think of something that happened last night. I picked up my phone from the nightstand and texted mom, Lucy and some of my old friends from back home. Then I just scrolled though Instagram and saw that I had gained a huge amount of followers. Wow.

I will never drink this much again. I swear. I remember that I was dancing with Jessie and then we went to the VIP room. There were shots, beer and some other drinks. We played beer pong and just randomly drank shots and whatever they had there. I also remember throwing up when I got there but I also threw up at some other point of the night.

That is pretty much all I can remember. Everything else is a blur. But I sure had fun. I was spontanious and didn't worry about what people think of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Niall turning around to face me and opening his eyes.

"Hey babe." I smiled.

"Hey." Niall said in a flat tone. "Are u texting with Harry?" He asked and nodded towards my phone.

"Why would I be texting Harry?" i questioned.

"To make sure that he is okay? You were so worried about your precious Haz last night." He mocked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I punched him, remember?"

"You did what?!" I yelled and got out of the bed.

"You heard me." He mumbled. I couldn't tell if he felt bad about hitting Harry or not.

"And why did you do it?"

"You really don't remember anything do you?" He asked.

"Well I remember something from the beginning of the night. What the hell happened at the end of the night?" I asked.

"I shouldn't be the one telling you. You're going to ask Harry yourself." He said.

"Oh okay. I'm meeting him for lunch today so I'll ask him then." I shrugged.

"Wait what? Harry asked you out for a lunch?" He said, emphasizing the word 'out'.

"Yeah yesterday. But not 'out out', just out you know?" I laughed.

"You're not going alone with that guy." He said, his voice full of hatred.

"That guy? That guy happens to be one of your best friends. I don't know what he did last night that made you so angry but you need to calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down. I'm trying to think." He hissed.

"Okay, I'm sorry honey. If you are worried about me going alone with Harry then you should come with us. You have some apologizing to do." I said as soflty as I can.

"Uh... Fine." He agreed.

"Thank you. Do you have some aspirine? My head is throbbing." I said and rubbed my temples

"That's what happens when you drink too much darling. But yeah I'll go get some." He chuckled.


After chilling with Niall for a while he gave me a ride home. I was currently getting ready for lunch. I called Harry and told him that Niall will tag along. He didn't like the idea at first but after a while of persuasion he said that it was okay. I really want to know what happened last night. It's not normal for them to act this way.

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