Chapter 16

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~2 weeks later~

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

I checked the bedside clock again. Yep, it's 4 am. The funeral is tomorrow. I am scared out of my mind. A part of me will be burried six feet under ground with her. I may have a public meltdown.

This night is no different than any other nights from the past two weeks. I've been up until five listening to sad songs and sobbing. In the daylight I have been alone most of the time, just because I wanted to. I've been avoiding Niall. He has showed up at our house every day but I have let him in my room only once. The main reason why I have been ignoring him is because he wants to talk. I just want to be left alone and grieve.

My life has been a living hell for the past 15 days. My eyes hurt all the time because I've been crying so much. There has been a constant pain in the middle of my chest, it's like the emotional pain is so deep it becomes physical pain as well.

Every time I close my eyes I see myself standing by the door at her hospital room. The moment when I saw her beautiful face for the last time. She was smiling. I see myself smiling back and telling her that I will be back tomorrow. Telling myself that it's okay to leave, I'll see her tomorrow. If only I had know that I'll never see her again.

The pain in my chest keeps getting worse and my pillow keeps getting wetter by my tears as time passes on.


I tried to get some sleep and around 5am, I succeeded. So I slept for about 4 hours. This is just great.

I walked downstairs to find something to eat.

"Morning dear." Mum greeted me.

"Morning." I muttered back.

"Mum what am I going to wear today?" Lucy asked while I picked up an apple and took a bite out of it.

"I bought a dress for you, don't worry." Mum smiled weakly.

"Can I see it?" Lucy said with wide eyes. She was still pretty young so she didn't feel that bad about grandma. She just couldn't understand it completely.

"Just wait until after we have had breakfast, darling." Mum said. "Vic, you know that Niall's coming today? He's practically family."

"Why did you invite him mum?" I groaned. I would have to spend a few hours with him. This day just got worse.

"You can't ignore him forever Victoria. He's your best friend. He's just trying to help you that's all. " She said.

"Yeah I know mum. I'll go get ready now." I replied and hurried out of the room.


"Hi. You look beautiful." He smiled.

"Thanks Niall." I said flatly.

"So how have you been?" He asked.

"Look Niall. I know you mean well and all and I'm sorry for giving you the cold shoulder for the past couple of weeks but I just wanted to be alone and grieve. I didn't want to talk to anyone, don't take it personally." I apologized.

"It's okay baby, I understand. I'm sorry for being annoying, I was just so worried about you. You mean a lot to me." He said and entwined our fingers.

"It's time to go inside." Mum said and we all got inside of the church.

Niall helped me get my coat off and then took his off and hanged them up. He took a hold of my hand again and we walked in the chappel in silence.

The moment we walked in the room my gaze focused on the coffin. Everything else was a blur. Tears started streaming down my face again. This was the last good bye.

After the ceremony the coffin was carried to the grave. Everyone had a chance to read something and throw a flower in the grave. When it was my turn, I squeezed Niall's hand and read:

"Though her smile is gone forever
And her hand I cannot touch
I still have so many memories
Of the one I loved so much.
Her memory is now my keepsake
Which with I'll never part.
God has her in his keeping.
I have her in my heart.
Sadly missed but never forgotten.
Rest in peace, beloved grandmother."

(A.N. I don't own the poem.)

I dropped the rose I was holding and it landed on top of her coffin. It was over. I did it. I sniffed and went back to my place. Good bye grandma. I miss you so much.


I know this is the shortest chapter ever but I'll double update today and things will get more interesting:)

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