Chapter 13

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Hey beauties the header is Victoria's outfit when they arrived to Ireland. Just something casual and nice, nothing special.

Hope you like this chapter :)

*Victoria's P.O.V.*

"Tyler?" I was shocked to see him. He was just standing there smirking at me.

"If I were you I'd wipe that smug look off my face. What are you doing here anyway?" I spat.

"I live here." He said like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, I mean here, in front of my house, at the very moment I come back home." I asked.

I hated his guts. He broke my heart. I was just starting to get over him. I mean I know I found about him cheating on me three months ago but I loved him. We were together for 2 years. Love like that doesn't fade away just like that either.

I looked at the boy I used to love. And still had some feelings for, but mostly broken ones. I could try to deny it, but I knew I still had feelings for him.

"Look, I'm here to talk to you. You need an explanation and I need to give it to you." He said, his expression turning serious.

Niall then took my hand and gave it a squeeze. I leaned closer to him and his body relaxed a bit. He seemed so tense.

"She's not going anywhere with you." Niall got in before I could utter a word.

"I'm talking to her, mister 'I used to be a insecure piece of sh*t but now I'm famous and I became a cocky son of a b*tch'." Tyler spat.

"Don't talk that way to him!" I yelled. Niall took his hand out of mine and sneaked his arm around my waist and mouthed:"It's alright babe."

"Why are you protecting him? The minute he became famous he forgot about you!" He raised his voice.

*Niall's P.O.V*

My blood was boiling with anger. he broke Vic's heart and he has the nerve to show up here just like that!

"Let's go Vic." Tyler said and grabbed her arm and pulled her towards himself.

I quickly managed to get a hold of her with both of my hands.

"Don't touch her!" Tyler yelled. Who is he to say that to me? I should be the one telling him that.

Vic was standing in the middle of us with a terrified expression. She didn't accept violence because of what her dad did to her, which is completely understandable. If I attacked Tyler I would lose my chances of ever being with her.

"You can't tell me not to touch her! You fuck*ng cheated on her!" I spat. I was so angry. I hate that guy more than anything. He shattered my Vicky's heart into a million pieces.

"Well that's just great. Are you two together now or something?" Tyler said with a disgusted face.

"Yes!" I yelled. God how much I wish that was true.

"No we aren't." Vic finally spoke. "I don't want you guys to fight so Tyler, you've got 5 minutes. Niall why don't you go inside and tell mom and Lucy that I'll be right there.

Tyler smirked in approval. I wanted to punch him so bad but I needed to hold back my anger. I wasn't normally the type to get angry but if anyone hurt Victoria like this rage came out of me. Plus I was terribly hungry. I hope Sheila has prepared something for us. She is amazing at cooking.

I was snapped back into reality when Vic started hesitantly walk away with that damn Tyler.

"Vicky please don't go with him!" I said in panic. I could tell she still had some feelings for him. What if he got her to forgive him? I had to stop them.

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