Chapter 2

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I fumbled with the keys to our new flat as we walked up to the door. The flat was in a second floor of a beautiful white building. I pushed the key to the keyhole and twisted the doorknob. Jessie was jumping up and down beside me out of excitement. As soon as I opened the door she ran in leaving me in the hallway with our suitcases.

"Omg it's so beautiful come in and take a look you boring pineapple!" She screamed at the top of her lungs.

The neighbours probably love us already.

I dragged our luggage inside and closed the door. I then walked around our new home. I couldn't help but admire how beautiful it is. The furniture was simple yet exquisite. The walls were plain white but the furniture brought color into the place. It was perfect for me and Jessie.

"Jess! Where are you?!" I screamed.

"I'm in the second bedroom!" She yelled back.

I shook my head and laughed. We are so loud.

I stepped in the room and examined it. It had one pink wall and the other walls were white. It had a small TV and a comfy-looking bed and a big closet. It definetely looked like the kind of bedroom Jessie would have.

"I call this room!" She yelled.

"Okay b.itch you don't need to shout!" I yelled back.

I then decided it was the time to take a look at my new bedroom. It was right next to Jessie's so it was only couple of steps away which was handy.

I walked inside and and just admired the way it looked. I was amazed. It had a desk and a chair and a queen-sized bed with a fluffy blanket. It also had a walk-in closet. I have always wanted a walk-in closet! It would fit all my clothes and they would not get wrinkled because I could hang them up. In my old home I had my clothes in drawers and they were always wrinkled. What can I tell ya? I'm just a lazy person and I don't like folding.

I loved how the walls of my room were the most magical shade of blue -which is my favorite color by the way.

I sat on the bed and just admired my new room. I had nothing to worry about. Summer had just started, I finished high school with great scores and I was living in London with my best friend. Life is good.


"Wake up sleepy head! I'm starving!" Jessie screamed in my ear.

I sat up and gave her a tired smile. "Yeah sure let's go and find something to eat." I mumbled and got out of bed wondering how I don't even remember falling asleep.

I tip-toed into the bathroom because the floor was slightly cold. I did my morning routine and went back to my room to find something to wear.

I hadn't unpacked yet so I just opened one of my suitcases and pulled out the first thing that popped up. It was an old sweater and sweatpants. I shrugged and put them on.

I opened my door only to reveal Jessie, who in fact was wearing an Abercrombie&Fitch crop-top and white skinny jeans. She also had make-up on and she had done her hair.

"You look nice babe." She teased me on my shabby outfit.

I stuck my tongue out and gave her a wink. The difference between me and Jess was that she couldn't leave the house with sweatpants or without make-up; I could. I didn't care about other people's opinions as much as she did.

When we were walking down the streets of London looking for a Starbucks I laughed at our appearance: a perky blonde with the perfect clothes and a brunette who looked like a hobo. We looked like two complete opposites. I didn't mind the people staring though.

~~~~~*Jessie's P.O.V.*~~~~~

As I ordered my food and coffee at Starbucks I couldn't help but notice the looks the cashier was giving me. He was really hot too. I paid and smiled shyly at him.

"Here's your receipt, beautiful." He said and handed me the piece of paper. I blushed and crumpled the receipt in my fist and thanked him.

"Miss? You might want to double check that receipt. You know, just in case I miss-charged you or something." The guy called from behind the counter.

I gave him an odd look but opened the piece of paper anyway. Only then I noticed that he had wrote something down.

"Hey beautiful :) call me maybe?
26-396-226 xx" (A.N just a random number haha)

I looked up at him and he gave me a wink. I blushed again.

God dammit Jay control yourself! You are very confident around everyone so why do you have to be so shy around a cute guy like him? I have never dated so maybe that's why. Well but still, stop blushing!

Wow now I'm just making weird conversation in my head this has got to stop.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by Victoria who got seated in the chair across from mine.

"Omg girl that guy was totally flirting with you!" She whisper-yelled at me.

I laughed uncomfortably and just shrugged it off with a "Shut up!"

I love my relationship with Vicky. We could scream mean things to each other but none of us would actually feel offended.


Once we left the shop I decided to text that guy from Starbucks. I was so stupid not to even check his name tag! Or was it too early to text I don't want to seem too excited.

Deciding that I shouldn't overhink I quickly sent him a text saying:

"Hey it's Jessie from Starbucks. Wanna hang out later or something? :)"

He replied almost instantly. I smiled down on my phone.

"Who was that?" Vic asked in a teasing tone and nudged my side.

"Oh no one. Just the guy from Starbucks." I shrugged trying to hide my smile. She would start freaking out in 3, 2...

"Omg omg omg what did he say?!" She yelled.

I laughed at how well I knew her and showed her the text.

"Hey Jessie from Starbucks, I'm Nate from Starbucks. Yeah sure, would u like to go out tonight? Text me your address, I'll pick you up at six💕"

"Aww you guys are meant to be!" Vic gushed.

"Yeah yeah but now you have to run to the store alone because I'll be out." I said.

"Kay it's alright. You owe me one though." She replied and stuck her tongue out.

And so we headed home while talking about random things. I was excited for tonight. I would have to start getting ready soon.

Hey lovelies here is second chapter. Hope you like it. And don't worry, Niall and Victoria will reunite sooner thank you think ;) xx

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