Chapter 4

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A.N. A picture of Jessie at the top.

"Victoria?" He said in misbelief.

"Niall?" I replied, still in shock.

It really was him.

I examined his features and his mouth was forming a small 'o' shape.

We must have just stood there staring at each other for several minutes.

"I can't believe it's really you." He finally spoke.

I didn't say a word. That is until he pulled me in for a tight hug.

I couldn't bring myself into hugging him back. I quickly decided that I couldn't forgive him that easily. He couldn't just drop contact with me and expect for it to be okay.

"I missed you." He mumbled into my hair.

"Did you?" I asked coldly. He was so not going to get away with this.

"I really did. I'm so sorry for not calling you everything was just so crazy and then it became impossible."

"I thought you'd know by now that nothing's impossible." I spat referring to his fame.

"Babe can we please go somewhere and talk about this. I need to explain myself." He pleaded.

"I don't know, can we?" I replied stubbornly. I was definetely enjoying seeing him beg.

"I can see you haven't changed, love." He smirked.

"Well... alright. Come on, let's go to my place." I gave in and took his hand in mine. I started dragging him in the opposite direction and towards my home.


*Jessie's P.O.V.*

"Vicky I'm home! Nate was so great omg he's perfect we are going out on friday for a second date!" I screamed as I stepped in.

When I didn't hear a reply I yelled for her again.

"Bitch I'm in the living room!" She called.

The minute I walked in my gaze focused on a familiar looking boy. I had never met him but I'd recognize him even in my sleep. I saw his face on tabloids every day. I had seen him in several pictures on Vic's phone. It was Niall. I must admit; my heart jumped a bit. He was from One direction after all. I had never told this to Vic, but I sort of had a thing for them. I tried to keep a calm expression though.

"Niall right? What are you doing here?" i managed to ask calmly.

"We just literally ran into each other on the streets." Vic replied instead of him.

"Sooo are you guys back to being friends now or what?" I questioned.

They looked at each other and they both nodded. I smiled but couldn't help but the thought of being replaced run through my head.

"Did you sort everything out?" I asked. I wasn't going to let niall hurt her again.

"Yeah we did. Niall explained everything. He was so busy but he tried calling as often as possible but management put a stop to it. They needed the boys to be single for their perfect dream-guy images. Apparently he tried telling them many times how I was his best friend but they weren't buying it." Victoria summed it up for me.

I nodded, I was happy they were re-united now.

"So how do you two know each other?" Niall asked curiously.

"Well soon after you left for bootcamp Jessie here moved to Mullingar and came to our school." Victoria explained.

"Yeah and this loner just needed a friend so I felt sorry for her and here we are." I stuck my tongue out ot her.

"Bitch I remember you looking like a lost puppy for the first week before I asked you to hang out!" Vic argued.

I smirked. I was so going to win this one. Just as a witty comeback came to my head Niall interrupted us by saying:
"Okay so anyways here we are. Now let's do something fun!"


"Omg and this one time we stole liquor from Niall's dad's wine cellar and we ended up dancing on my roof! It was so much fun! Then this idiot right here was so drunk that he fell from the roof! Thank god we had a pool so he didn't get hurt!" Victoria screamed in between laughs.

The three of us were dying out of laughter. It was so funny I couldn't even breathe.

"Man those were the days! Come on Vic we were only fifteen my system couldn't handle alcohol! You ended up jumping in the pool with me though! Your mom was furious, we were drunk and wet and giggling like loonatics!" Niall added, which made me laugh even more.

When our laughter finally died down, I checked the time from my phone. Nate had texted me so I quickly sent him a reply. Niall and Vic were busy talking about their past anyway.

"Is it really two a.m?" I heard Niall say.

"Yeah, I'll go to bed. I'm knackered. Good night guys." I mumbled.

"Good night Jess." They replied.

*Niall's P.O.V*

"I should probably head home." I said yawning.

"No don't be silly, it's late! You can crash here." Vic offered.

I took her up on her offer and she took me by my hand and pulled me into her bedroom. She closed the lights and started to undress herself. I just stood there awkwardly trying to avoid looking at her. Puberty has definetely done amazing job since the last time I saw her. She noticed me staring at her and cleared her throat.

"Like what you see?" She smirked.

"I... uhm..." I stuttered. I was so embarrassed that she found me staring at her.

"Niall, it's nothing you haven't seen before." She shrugged with a wawe of her hand.

She then started looking around for something. I was just standing there unaware of what to do.

"I haven't really unpacked yet so I don't know where my nightgown is." She explained.

I quickly took off my shirt and threw it at her.

She caught it with ease and put it on. "Thanks babe." She smiled.

I blushed a bit because of the nickname she just gave me. Calm your hormones Niall! She's your best friend for crying out loud! She used to call you that all the time.

She got on the bed so I took off my jeans and did the same. Now I was just in my boxers. I moved closer to her and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist.

She returned my gesture and nuzzled her head into my chest. I pressed my lips on top of her head and just enjoyed of this feeling of having my beautiful best friend in my arms again.

"I love you Niall." She mumbled half asleep.

"I love you Vicky." I replied and added: "Sleep tight princess."

I felt her lips curl into a smile and slowly her breathing became heavy and even which indicated me that she was fast asleep.

I lied awake for a while just wondering about everything but soon enough I couldn't keep my eyes open and I started drifting off to sleep.


Merry christmas eve everyone!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and are having a great day.

Thank you and hope you'll have great winter break xx

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