Chapter 6

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Okay so now that I started I was thinking that in every chapter I'll show you how I picture every character to look like. Today we have Tyler, Victoria's ex boyfriend.
Enjoy! :)

*Victoria's P.O.V*

"Omg it's friday!" Jessie screamed enthustiastically. I fluttered my eyes open and gave her and annoyed look. Why in the world does she have to wake up with that information? It's not like we have school anymore so it doesn't even matter what day it is. Oh and that reminds me, we have to go apply for jobs next week.

"It's friday a.k.a. I have a date today with Nate! I'm so nervous he hasn't even told me where are we going! What if I wear a dress and heels and we end up hiking?" She was freaking out.

"Okay calm down Jess, I'll help you to find something to wear." I said and let myself fall back. She was so not going to get me out of this bed.

"Okay I'll go make us some breakfast but wake up soon okay? I only have two hours to get ready." She said, being surprisingly calm. With that, she disappeared from my room and closed the door.


I woke up to the smell of french toast. Oh yum I hope she has whipped cream for me too. I have always eaten my french toast with whipped cream.

I walk in the kitchen only to see a fully prepaired breakfast table. It had french toast, bacon, eggs, fruit and juice in it.

"Aww you are the greatest friend ever!" I thanked her and wrapped her in a hug. She didn't hug me back though; she never did. She just wasn't that into hugs like I was. It has always been that way.

When I let go of her we imediately dug in the delicious breakfast. When I grabbed some french toast on top of my plate she pulled out a bowl of whipped cream. I took it from her and smiled. She knew me so well.

Me and Jessie weren't one of those girls who kept watching their weight all the time. We eat what we want because it makes us happy. The difference between us it that she can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight. The same doesn't work for me though. I have to hit the gym and do stuff to keep my figure.

Once we were done eating I loaded the dishwasher while Jess went to put on her make-up. I shook my head at the thought of her being so depended on make-up. With this being said I'd like to point out that she doesn't even use a lot of make-up;just a bit bolder eyeliner than me, eyebrow pencil, concealer and mascara. Her lashes were naturally quite straight so she has to curl her eyelashes which is something I never do. My eyelashes are always curly which I am thankful for.


I smiled at Jessie;she looked absolutely beautiful. Her naturally blonde hair fell perfectly and for her outfit we picked out a blue crop top, a high wasted white skirt and a pair of flat shoes. She didn't usually like wearing skirts or dresses; she felt like they weren't her thing. She looked great in them though.

Jessie's phone beemed indicating that she had received a text. We both read it and it said:

Nate❤️:Hey I'm in front of your house. See u soon xx

I awwed and we hurried out of our apartment.

When we got out of the building Nate smiled and got up from his car. Jessie walked over to him and they hugged. They would be so cute together! Jessie is weird. She never hugs me back but when Nate hugs her, she doesn't mind at all.

Nate opened the passenger seat door for her and she got in. He then closed the door and walked over to the other side of the car. I smiled and waved at them. Nate gave me one of those 'guy nods' and got in the car. As they drove off I went back inside of our house.

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