Chapter 28

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So I started writing this story over two years ago and then I just didn't find the time and energy to finish it so I'm just going to write a quick closure to this story. This isn't the way I wanted it to be but since my mindset has obviously changed in the last couple of years, I will not be writing this story anymore.

So, here's a quick closure on what's going to happen between Niall and Victoria. I'm truly sorry for neglecting the readers I had a couple of years ago.

*5 years later*

It felt like everything around me was sped up. It felt like I was screaming in a room full of people but no one would even look up. Everyone was rushing to get the last minute stuff done, whether it was zipping up their dresses, re-applying lipstick, fixing their hair with bobby pins or just running around like they had gone mad, it was insane. I just sat there and stared at the floor.

"How are you feeling?" Someone asked. I looked up and realized that it was my mother.

"Huh?" I said.

"That nervous, are we?" She chuckled.

"Yeah I guess so." I mumbled.

"It'll be fine sweetie. No need to worry." She assured me and I nodded. "Where's little Mikey?" She called out.

"I gave him to Nate. I think they've already taken their places." Jessie yelled from the corner of the room. She was putting in her earrings im front of the mirror.

"Good. I'll go and find your father, we're gonna start any minute now. I should go and get seated." Mum said and scurried out of the room. "And oh, remember to smile! I'll see you out there!" She yelled before leaving the room.

It's weird how well my parents get along these days. I remember how much me and my mum used to resent my father after everything he did. But after all these years it feels kind of nice to have a father figure back in my life.

He really has changed. After he called me a few years ago when he got out of prison he's been there for me the entire time. He even moved to London so he could be close to me again. He gave me all the space and time I needed and when I was comfortable around him again, he made a lot of effort to have a real father-daughter relationship with me. I really like having him around.

Then something snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Where's Mike? I swore I wouldn't let him out of my sight. I must have dozed off again, damn it." Amalia cursed.

"He's already out there." I laughed. "You guys should probably go too, I think we're going to start in a couple of minutes."

After a few "good luck's" and "love you's" the girls exited the room, leaving me alone.

I inhaled deeply, trying to remove the stress pulsing through my body. No luck. I stood up from the chair I had been sitting in and took one last look in the mirror. I gave a satisfied nod at my appearance and smiled nervously. This is it.

I heard my cue to go and I picked up the bouquet from the coffee table and started taking unstable steps out of the room.

"Baby steps, Victoria, baby steps." I whispered to myself.

Suddenly I gulped at the sight in front of me. Everyone was standing up, staring at me.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity until a muscular arm grabbed me and pulled me by their side. It calmed me down a bit. I smiled up at my father and squeezed his arm for emotional support.

"You okay?" He mouthed to me.

"I'm fine. Don't you dare step on my hem though." I smirked. Suddenly I felt a lot more relaxed.

We started walking down the aisle. I smiled at everybody on the way and tried to march at the familiar hymn's pace echoing through the giant room we were currently in.

Before I knew it we had reached the altar. I looked up at the familiar boy and couldn't help but smile. He had his hair done nicely, the brunet roots blending into the blond ends of his hair perfectly. His tux was neat and he had a white rose in the front pocket of his jacket. His big blue eyes were filled with tears of joy and he had a wide smile on his face.

My father let go of me and took a seat next to my mom who was already seated in the front row.

I took a quick look at my left, where I saw Jessie, Amalia, Diana and my little sister Lucy standing in a row, looking beautiful as always.

I then took a look at Niall's side of the altar, next to him standing Harry, Louis, Liam and Nate. All the boys were smiling at me.

I then turned my gaze to the cutest two-year-old boy in the entire world. He was standing in front of Harry, holding a red velvet coloured pillow in his hands. The two rings were laying on the pillow. I couldn't stop staring at the rings, they looked so beautiful and eternal. Just like the rest of my life with Niall will.

The little boy then made me rip my eyes off of the rings and move my gaze to his smiling face. "Mommy you look beautiful." He said which made me smile even wider.

"Thank you Mike." I replied and gave him a loving smile.

I am so blessed to have this beautiful family of ours and I can't wait for it to grow in numbers. I am so genuinely happy that no words could ever give it justice.

I then turned to smile at the man I intend on spending the rest of my life with. He's my best friend, my loved one, and in a few short minutes he will also be my husband. I love him with all my heart.

Every late night talk, every cuddle, every laugh, every month spent apart because of him touring the world, every fight, every kiss and every caress comes down to this moment. This is the first day of the rest of our lives together. And let me tell you, I couldn't be any happier.

I then snapped out of my thoughts when the priest started his speech:

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony..."

~ As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters. ~


Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read my story, whether it was one chapter and you decided that this story is lame and quit reading, or whether you read multiple chapters.

I will write a short story soon, which will contain a few chapters. It will be dedicated to my amazing boyfriend whom I love with all my heart. He inspired me when I was writing this last chapter because I imagined what feelings will I go through when I'll hopefully reach this special day with him.

And also I want to apologize for all the typing errors and spelling mistakes in this story. I'm not fluent in english, but I aspire to be.

Happy spring break everyone who has it around this time of year! Love you.

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