Chapter 19

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"NAMJOONAH!!~~~" the door of my room got slammed open, revealing a weird-looking guy.

His hair was messed up like a nest of a bird, clothes all crumbled up, a single shoe on his feet and his whole face was puffy-


"JIN HYUNG??" I asked, not believing in my own eyes that the guy who always made sure to look good, regardless of the situation, is now standing here looking like a horror movie ghost.

"What happened to you?!" I asked, worriedly approaching him.

"T-that Minho... Y/n... J-Jimin..." He stuttered, unable to utter a proper sentence.

"Okay... I'll listen to you later. First, go and take a shower. Damn! You are stinking alcohol." I pinched my nose, trying to block the smell of the strong liquor.

"I can't do this alone, Namjoooon... help me, pleeasse..." He whined while dramatically crying.

"What?" I looked at him, weirded out by his sentence.


"So, you are saying that Minho apologized to Y/n and she forgave him because you told her to do so?" I asked Jin hyung, repeating what he explained a couple of minutes ago.

"Yeshh~~" He answered, still affected by the alcohol.

"And then Jimin got there and called you daddy before Y/n could say anything to him. But Minho said that he will meet again the day after tomorrow, even if he needed to fly to another country?" Hyung nodded.

"Then what's the problem? Isn't it good that he is trying to prove himself by making such efforts?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I kneww... it was the rightt thing to give a laasst chance to Minhooo since he is Jimin's fatherr... but I don't want to send her awaaay." He pouted.

"I liikeee how Jiminn calls me 'daddy' and hugs meee with all her loveeee. I reaaaally like spending time with her... but I caan't be selfish, rightt?" He added.

I frowned my eyes, "Are you sure it's just about Jimin and not Y/n at all?"

"Of, coursseeee... not! How can I like herrr when I have feelings for someone elseeee?!" He let out, unconsciously.

"Someone else?" My eyes widened. "Who?"

He chuckled but his face fell  down quickly, "There was this girrrl I met in a barrr, 5 years ago."

What's with this 5-year thing?! Why did everything happen 5 years ago??!

"Shee was really special to meee. Although I've been with her for onlyy a night, I knew what I felt towards her was moorree than attraction." He smiled, bashfully.

"So, you mean it was a one-night?" Jungkook asked, suddenly coming out from behind the window curtains.

"Since when were you there?" I asked, surprised by the maknae's sudden appearance.

"I came in just after Jin hyung entered looking like a hungry zomb." He simply replied.

"Anyway, what happened that day?" I asked hyung, trying not to drive off the main topic.

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