Chapter 15

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*Y/N's POV*

We arrived in New York and went to a hotel where all the staff members along with the bangtan members would stay for the concert here.

They provided us with rooms and I went to my respective one with my daughter.

Irene came into the room a few minutes later. "I'm gonna stay with you in your room and I'm not here for a 'no'." She simply stated making me chuckle.

"By the way, may I talk to you alone for a minute?" She asked and I nodded.

I told Jimin to go to the other room so that we could talk privately.

"What is it, Irene?" I asked softly.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you about Yoongi." I furrowed my eyebrows. "I saw you both getting closer during the flight. Did he confess to you?" She asked, her face full of excitement.

"What?! Why would he-" I sighed. "That's not what happened. And if you're talking about the moment we held our hands then I'll tell you what happened at that time."


Yoongi came back again but without my daughter.

"Where is Jimin?" I asked him and he nervously laughed.

"She fell asleep on Jin hyung's lap." He replied.

I took a moment to think about how both my daughter and Seokjin came so close to each other in just a week. Jimin probably likes Seokjin a lot. Maybe she feels a need for a father in her life.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Yoongi waved his hands in front of my face. "What are you thinking about?" He asked.

I just smiled and shook my head. He quietly took a seat in front of me as he kept staring in my eyes.

"You can tell me if something is troubling you in your mind." He proposed.

"No, no it's nothing like that. I was just thinking about my daughter." I replied.

He hummed while nodding his head before speaking. "Are you thinking about her father?"

Shooting my head up, I looked at him in shock.

How does he know?

"Umm..." I trailed off while thinking of an answer but then he spoke again.

"By the way, Jimin seems pretty close to Jin hyung."

"Maybe because she wants a father." I mumbled.

"Anyway, if there is anything you want to share, feel free to share it with me." He smiled and I smiled back.

"Well... You said that I'm your bias, right? May I know why you chose me as your bias? I'm curious." He said as he placed his chin on his palm.

"A few years ago, I got to know you guys through someone and since then, I started listening to your songs. I liked the way you rapped and how you expressed your feelings through your songs. It really inspired me." I described.

He was smiling with his adorable gummy smile while staring at me, so I guessed that he was happy after hearing it.

"Thank you." He said in a low voice but loud enough for me to hear.

"I should be the one to thank you guys for being with me through my hard times."

He gently grabbed my hands and said, "I'm really happy that I met you and personally asked you about all these things."

I smiled back at him as I held his hand tight as a gesture that I'm happy to hear his feelings when I heard someone clearing their throat.

We looked towards that person and saw that Seokjin was standing with Jimin by his side.



"What? That's it??" Irene asked.

"Yeah~ Why? did you think of something else?" I raised an eyebrow.

She awkwardly laughed. "I thought he liked you and maybe confessed or something..."

I facepalmed at her stupid thinking but then laughed it off.


Later during the practice ~


"Hyung, are you fine? You look distracted." Jungkook asked as he came towards me after I fell down by a stupid mistake.

"Of course, I'm fine!" I exclaimed and got up on my feet again.

"I think you should take some rest. You've been practicing ever since we got here. It's been 5 hours without a single break. Don't be so hard on yourself." Namjoon tried to convince me but I still felt like I'm not doing enough.

The scene of Yoongi holding Y/n's hand kept bothering me. I couldn't ask either of them about it nor should I meddle into their personal relationship but why is it bothering me so much?!

"No, Namjoon. I'm fine. I want to practice a bit more. Y'all can go and take rest." I replied as I continued practicing my steps.

Everyone told me to take care and left except for Namjoon. He stayed behind and once everyone else left the room, he approached me.

Dragging me to a nearby corner, he made me sit down on the floor as he sat in front of me.

"Namjoon-ah, I need to practice." I said in an attempt to stand up again but he held me down.

"No hyung, you need to sit here and tell me the matter." The worry inside him could be seen in his tone.

"What matter? There's no matter happening here..." I said as I faked a laugh but he didn't seem to buy it.

"Is it anything about Y/n?" He asked and my eyes shot up at him. He smiled. "You like her, don't you?" He eyed.

I scoffed. "Yah! Are you crazy?!"

"No... But you're avoiding eye contact." He didn't lie though. I was unconsciously avoiding any eye contact with him.

"That doesn't show that I like her." I rolled my eyes.

"Your face is red. Your ears are red like a tomato. Your fingers are fidgeting with each other. You laugh is f-"

"FINE!" I gave up arguing.

"Hmm... Jimin likes you a lot. You and Y/n seem to be pretty close. Just go and confess~ what's the problem here?" Namjoon said as if it was a piece of cake.

"I think Yoongi likes her. More like, maybe they like each other." I looked down as I sighed thinking about it. "I think they knew each other from before."

"What do you mean?"

I told him the other details that I remembered about Y/n, this morning.

"I think it could also be seen from another angle. Like, if she wants to avoid the person, why would she say that he's her bias?" He explained.

"Look, even if it is Yoongi she was talking about, she would have taken anybody else's name as her bias so that he won't feel suspicious."

I nodded, agreeing with his theory.

"Also, I felt like she was avoiding you from day 1." He added.

"Yeah, she said that she avoided me because I reminded her of someone." I said but quickly looked up at him with widened eyes as he did the same in realization.

"That can only mean..." He trailed off.

"Holy shit."

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