Chapter Twelve: Damsel in Distress

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"I'm sorry for intruding, my lady, but here are your belongings," a soft feminine voice filled the room. You turned around to see the woman from earlier by your doorway. She took a step inside to let the soldiers bring in your stuff.

"O-oh," you muttered, your earlier demeanor calming down. You watched a couple men bring in your things. "Thank you," you politely said. You turned to look at the woman to see her watching you with a kind intent.

"My name is Siduri," she said. "The High Priestess of Uruk, and advisor to the King." She placed a hand on her chest and gently lowered her head to a bow.

You were a little fazed by the calmness of her words, having had encountered a king of arrogance earlier. Even so, you did not let your guard down. "You should've advised the king to be more polite to his guests," you said. "Especially to a princess."

"Believe me, my lady, I did what I can," she replied. "But the king will always be the king." Silence crept in as you were not able to think of a response. Clearing your throat, you spoke. "I'm (y/n)," you said. "Princess of Al-Simr."

Her lips curved into a smile. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, my queen," she said. For a moment, it flattered you a bit to be addressed in such a way. You averted your gaze, avoiding eye contact.

Seeing your discomfort, she bowed her head. "Sorry for intruding," she said. "I shall take my leave." She turned around to head towards your doorway.

Before completely exiting, she glanced back. "Should you need me, I would be one call away," she said, leaving the room.

You are now alone, left in the room by yourself. You took in a deep breath to calm and hold yourself together. On the outside, you looked fearless as if ready to tear a king down his throne but deep inside, you wanted to cry.

You wanted to throw yourself to the bed and cry to your heart's content, until you numb yourself of the pain that swallows both your mind and heart. But this isn't the time for vulnerability. This is the moment for you to stay strong, for yourself and Al-Simr.

You looked around the room, eyes scanning every corner. Compared to your chamber in Al-Simr, this one is undeniably larger especially now that it's empty.

You are yet to organize your belongings but before that, you had to make sure that no one else would tresspass in your chambers. The curtains that hang by the doorway served little to no protection.

Although Siduri and Enkidu seemed nice, you know better than to trust anyone. In a foreign land governed and influenced by such king, the only person you can trust right now is yourself.

You walked towards your doorway and stood a few steps away from what separates you from the rest of the ziggurat.

You took a hand out and raised it forward, palms facing the direction of your doorway. You closed your eyes, focusing your energy on to the palm of your hands.

Wind began to gather around your feet, rising up and making your hair flutter around. "Oh great goddess of the sun, the lady in the highest, Chira," you began. "Bestow upon me your power as I ask for your protection.

You slowly opened your eyes to see light gathered around your palm. "Seal this entrance by the power of my divinity. Let no one aside from your child enter this chamber."

You gently closed your palm, concealing the light. You took a step forward, lifting a finger and allowing it to touch the cloth that hang in the way. Upon contact, the curtain gleamed as you felt magic flow from your body to the said material.

Once the barrier cast upon the cloth was sealed, you withdrew your hand. This curtain shall only be swept aside by none other than yourself.

The bounded field set upon before you provided you an assurance of safety. This is to keep away people who mean harm to you. Especially a certain king you'd never want to ever speak to again.

If the women of this nation throw themselves at him, you wouldn't. You meant everything you said earlier and you are determined to prove it.

The next thing you did was arrange your belongings. You organized them in a way that this room would look as close as your chamber in Al-Simr.

You wanted this chamber to feel like your home even if the land isn't. You know full well you'd lock yourself in here for the next days or more.

You are not yet ready to serve yourself to the people of this nation. You are yet to learn to love this land, and you sure will take your time in doing so.


The moment Siduri left your room, she immediately met with Enkidu. "What do you say?" He asked, tone eneveloped in pride.

"I am yet to speak my comments for I am yet to see her at the peak of her queenship," Siduri replied. "But if there's one thing you should know, it's that I see a brighter future ahead."

The two exchanged smiles before they made their way to the Royal Hall. Siduri bowed before she walked past the hall into the kitchen, leaving the two friends behind.

"I may say," Gilgamesh spoke the moment they were alone. "She was none of what I thought she might be."

Enkidu smiled. "It's the same for me," he said. Gilgamesh glanced at his friend with a curious gaze.

"I assume you want to hear, my king?" Enkidu teased.

"Get it over with," Gil replied.

Enkidu wasted no time in telling quite the tale he experienced in a short while he was at Al-Simr. Though the king held no amuse, he listened.

True enough, before Enkidu reached Al-Simr, he allowed himself to freely drift in wonder of what Uruk's future queen was like. He expected to see a damsel in distress quietly sitting beside the throne, waiting to be rescued.

Yet what he saw was the opposite. He didn't expect you to jump into the scene and defend the queen. When all of your soldiers cowered in front of Enkidu, you rushed into him head on, to defend the person you love.

Instead of sulking over a corner, you lifted you head high and spoke your mind. You may have been afraid but you never let that get the best of you.

Such traits befit a queen and such personality befit to dance through the tyranny of Gilgamesh.

"Well," Gil said. "We'll see how long she keeps me entertained." He knows full well that sooner or later, your resolve will break and you'll ever so slowly find yourself under his control.

It will only be a matter of short while before you offer yourself to the king and he wouldn't hesitate in breaking you.

Such people with concrete firmness of purpose are the best ones to break. He'd like to see your ideals crumble to pieces as he toys with your existence.

The more you resist, the more he'd find you entertaining yet the longer you put up a fight, the more he'd find himself having no need of you, the quicker he'd have you disposed.

Tonight, he'll see things for himself. After all, he's the center of Uruk and all people and things that live here revolve around him and his will. You are no different.

Daughter of the Gods (Gilgamesh x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang