Chapter Forty-Six: The Execution

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"Our long wait is over," a voice wrapped in old age spoke. In the shadows of Uruk lies the dark intentions of those that reside deep beneath the glory of the kingdom. "Is the temple all ready?"

"Yes, the old torches have been lit, and the walls wiped clean," a strong and authoritative voice, younger by years, answered.

"Excellent!" A woman of old age exclaimed, followed by a fit of cough from the over-excitement that hasn't occurred for years uncountable. 

"How sure are you that this is going to work..." A voice of an annoyed young woman echoed through the dark chamber. "...that the goddess will accept a host of foreign race?"

"It takes one to know one," the strong voice answered firmly. "We have confirmed the divine lineage of the queen, all tracing back to her origin: Al-Simr."

"To add to that, the queen is pregnant!" The old woman said. "It raises the chances of summoning the goddess."

"Finish all the preparations by noon. Make sure that the route from the ziggurat to the mountain would be clear. See to it that the cart and boat would also be ready. And you..." the authoritative figure turned to the young woman. "Make sure you mastered the spell to nullify the bounded field. For you, it's a one-time spell. Use it precisely."

The young woman looked down for a second, internalizing the fact that if she failed on this one, there may be no other chance ever. Enkidu would quickly notice the decline of magical energy around the queen's chamber and would surely rush there to interfere. 

The cult has waited for so long for an opportunity like this. She can't risk everyone's efforts going down the drain with just a single misstep. And so she stood firmly, eyes fiercely looking ahead of her. "Understood, father," she said.


It wasn't long until nightfall and the preparations were already set in place. "Here, wear this," the young woman said as she handed a pair of black clothes to her accomplice, a man she had never once seen before. Although cloth covered his entire head except for his eyes, she knew he was someone new. She hasn't seen those pair of eyes in the capital before.

"And who are you supposed to be?" She asked, placing a hand on her hips.

"You need not know," the man answered. "After all, I'm only here for the money. I have no interest in joining a cult who are die-hard fans of Ina—"

Before he could finish his statement, he was pushed against the wall and the next thing he felt was cold metal pressed against his throat. "You better be careful with your words here, boy," the woman said. "The elders might've taken you down this instance had they heard that."

Seeing as there is no intent in the man to fight back, the woman withdrew her blade. "Hurry up and get dressed already!" She said, getting annoyed by every second that this conversation dragged on.

"What is this anyway?" The man asked as he struggled to wear the black clothes.

"It's clothes sealed in magecraft. I infused my presence concealment with one of the elder's spells so that anyone who wears those clothes gets concealed as well."

"Wow cool," the man replied as he smoothed the clothes over his body upon wearing it. "What are you, some kind of professional assassin?"

"Ugh just shut up already!" The woman replied. Their conversation has been taking too long. In this mission, every second counts and she couldn't waste any more time in this idle conversation. For all she knows, this guy might even be a spy. She has to be extra cautious.

Soon after, the two of them lurked in the shadows as they waited for the streets to calm down. Only a few people were outside.  Sooner or later, all would be in their lovely little homes. And by then, the queen is probably in a deep sleep.

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