Chapter Twenty-Two: The Contrary

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As the morning came to an end and the afternoon rays hit your back from the open space behind the throne, you let out an internal sigh. No wonder your sister was often always tired by the end of the day. You had to admit that at some point, you weren't used to this since you've only ever done these queenly duties whenever Nefera calls in sick for the day or when she is out on businesses with other kingdoms.

There was no one else in the Royal Hall besides you, the king, and the silence of the place. For a moment, you stayed in seat, debating whether you should wait for Gilgamesh to leave before you do or if you'll leave first. Sensing he wouldn't leave anytime soon, you stood. Right after you did, though, Siduri came into the hall. "Your majesty, my lady," she greeted and bowed. "Lunch is prepared."

"Wonderful!" You said, stepping down the stairs. "Siduri, may I ask you a favor?"

"Anything for you, my lady."

"Will you please pack my food up? Also, are there spare food from the kitchen?"

"Yes, my lady, there is still plenty of food left even after the servants got their shares." 

"Perfect! Please do pack up some of the food and have them prepared before I leave."

"Where are you going, your highness?"

"I'd like to eat lunch with the family of the scribbler from earlier. Also, please give me his name and... do you know where he lives?"

"Enkidu knows, your highness. I'll have him assist you too."

"Thank you, Siduri. Please tell him to meet me by my chamber."

With that, you gracefully walked out of the hall. Siduri had her eyes glued to you until you were out of the vicinity. She turned to the king who had his eyes closed. "I shall take my leave to comply with the princess's wish," she said before giving a small bow and going away.

Once Gilgamesh knew he was alone, he opened his eyes. As he listened to your earlier conversation with the High Priestess, he couldn't help but feel annoyed at how you were so caring about the scribbler. The fact that you attach yourself too much to the lower class disappointed him.

To him, the world is full of filth and lowly people inferior to him. You being one of them isn't a surprise. Who were you to care about the way he ruled over his people? Then again, it's not like he cared anyway as long as he makes himself comfortable at the top of everyone. Everything else is only his source of entertainment.

You really have his attention hooked on you. Nobody in this land ever dared raise their voices at him yet there you were earlier today putting the blade of your scythe right in front of his neck. You sure were one hell of a woman to do that. He could've and would've killed you right there and then but he didn't.

Still, he finds your actions disrespectful to his presence. He still finds you the need to be disciplined but whenever he thinks of himself raising his hands on you makes him sick. Ultimately, Gilgamesh had little to no morality and he couldn't care less anyway whatever happens to you but at some point, it's a shame to damage you in any way before he even makes use of you. At least, that's what he believes to be the reason behind why he couldn't hurt you.

It's not like he has many choices about where he can take you. He would've done so in your chamber but the bounded field cast upon it keeps him out. For a moment, he admired how it could keep away a half-god like him. It takes a high-ranking mage to do such and he assumes that you are one.

Another thing that gets on him is the fact that Enkidu stands guard for you. Enkidu never really paid attention to the women Gil beds nor the king's decisions since he mostly just supports his friend. But on this case, on you, Gil couldn't fathom why Enkidu bothers standing in between.

Just as he was thinking of the guy, Enkidu arrives at the hall. The two men only exchanged glances as Enkidu is needed by her highness. In no time, he had arrived by the queen's chamber just in time when the princess came out.

"Your highness," he calls.

"Oh, Enkidu," you said. "I was told you know where the scribbler from earlier lives."

"I do."

"What is his name?"

"He goes by Ticus, your highness."

"I see," you replied. "I assume you've already talked to Siduri?"

"Yes, and she is downstairs waiting for us by the entrance."

"Very well, then."

You went on to walk past Enkidu and towards the flight of stairs that will bring you to the lower levels of the ziggurat. Enkidu quietly follows you. Luckily, you need not pass the throne to get downstairs meaning you wouldn't have to see Gilgamesh before you go.

By the time you were at the entrance, there were a number of the king's servants along with Siduri waiting for you. They all looked at you in awe as you passed by them, each admiring the way your hair flows behind your shoulders. It is, after all, one of your assets.

This is the first time they get to see you since you've only ever stayed in your chamber. The only places you've ever been to in the ziggurat are the bath, the kitchen, and the Royal Hall. Add the topmost level, too. Not to mention, today is only your second day here and the only people you've encountered in the ziggurat so far were Siduri and Enkidu. At least, not until earlier today at Royal Hall.

You didn't expect to make yourself public this soon after arriving. You were hoping you could make your presence known by around a few days later. Due to certain circumstances, though, and the fact that you couldn't resist the people being treated that way, here you are about to reveal yourself to the public.

"Would you still be needing this, your highness?" Enkidu asked from behind. You glanced back to see the cloth you used earlier today to hide your hair. "I don't find the need to hide who I am anymore," you answered. "After all, considering the commotion from earlier and the number of people that have seen me, I have no doubt the news has already spread."

Enkidu gave a nod while you turned away to face Siduri. Beside her was a girl carrying a large pot. "Are these all that was left?" You asked. "Yes, my lady," Siduri answered.  You gently lifted the lid to look at how much food was left and you were delighted to see that there was still enough to feed a whole family. 

You put back the lid and met eyes with the girl holding the pot. You knew she felt a little nervous by the way her hands were slightly trembling and by the way she quickly averted her gaze. You assumed that majority of the people are afraid of anyone related to the king. As much as you displeased admitting it, you, yourself are related to Gilgamesh. You are his future wife, after all. It isn't surprising for his people to assume that you share a certain sense of tyranny with the king.

With a gentle smile, you asked the girl, "Were you the one who made this?" She looked back at you, her cheeks now tinted with a dash of rose. "Y-yes," she answered. "With the help of the others." She looked sideways towards the other girls standing beside her. They all looked at you the same way this girl does: in awe but with a bit of fear.

"I'm sure it tastes great," you said. "I'm looking forward to eating with you, girls, too someday." They were hesitating for they don't know what to reply to such kind words said by a royal to the likes of them but you saw the way the ends of their lips slightly curved up into small smiles, the discomfort they feel slowly fading away. They weren't used to this. They weren't used to their masters treating them in such a kind way.

"Would you like some of the men to assist you, my lady?" Siduri asked. To her other side stood a small number of the guards waiting for your command. 

"The way I am now will already garner me a lot of attention," you answered. "Besides, I don't want the people to be intimidated by me. Enkidu would suffice." You turned to the said man and asked, "Will you be able to carry this?" referring to the large pot.

Enkidu gave a small chuckle. "What do you think of me, my lady?" You smiled before moving aside so that Enkidu can take the pot. Once all that is said and done, you excused yourself from Siduri and the rest of the servants before heading out.

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