Chapter Fourteen: Lion's Den

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Tossing and turning followed by a sigh one after another. Eyes closed but far away from dreams. Your whole life, you slept nowhere else but your bedroom in Al-Simr. Truly, there's no place like home.

Knowing well that you won't be able to sleep soon, you stood. You pulled your blanket off your bed and wrapped it around your body. Judging from how open this ziggurat is, the cold night breeze would surely pass through.

Cautiously, you peeked outside, looking left and right to see if anyone is nearby. Seeing that the coast is clear, you finally stepped out. As you let your feet take you away, you pulled the blanket tighter around yourself.

You are nowhere near familiar with this place therefore, you let your curiosity take the best of you as your eyes roamed around, taking in the glory of the interior. You already have an idea of where you want to go and that is upstairs, where you first stepped foot on this ziggurat.

You went up a set of staircases that you know lead into the throne room. "He isn't there, right?" You asked yourself. "It's deep within the night, he's most likely to be asleep." Running into the king is the last thing you wanted to happen at this point in time.

With caution, your pace slowed as you neared the top of the staircase. Carefully, you took a peek at the hall before fully stepping out. You were relieved that Gilgamesh wasn't there but you were sure that what you saw scared you more. You weren't afraid of Gilgamesh, not one bit. Okay, maybe a little but that doesn't matter.

What matters now is that there is a lion lying down at the middle of the throne room. You have multiple choices here. First is that you can dash your way from here to the next set of staircases not far away but that would be risky because the carnivore nearby might awaken from your footsteps. 

Second, you can tiptoe your way across, careful not to wake the beast up but its senses are sharp, it might even notice the drop of a pin. Third and last, you can just simply make your way back to your room and patiently wait until you drift off the realm of dreams but you are stubborn.

You quietly sighed as you sat on the stairs. Elbows on your knees and face resting by your hand, you thought of a way to get yourself to the roof without needing to interact with the lion. As you sat there, you looked like a child that wasn't granted permission to go outside.

Moment after, you heard a deep yawn. Knowing that it came from the lion, you carefully took a peek once more. The animal was standing and now making its way towards the throne. If you weren't mistaken, you swear you think there is a jungle at the heart of the ziggurat just behind the throne. 

You watched it walk away and the moment it disappeared from your sight, you walked fast towards the next set of stairs. You ran up without looking behind. The moment your sweaty face made contact with the open air, you released a breath you kept in as you parkoured your way here.

Once your rapid heartbeat calmed, you made your way towards the edge of the platform. From here, the vastness of Uruk spreads before you and it goes as far as your eyes can see. Even beyond the walls, you could still see houses. Maybe the reason this part was enclosed is because this is the capital or rather the heart of this nation.

You stared ahead as your eyes took in the entirety of the country you're going to rule. It was massive enough to make you overwhelmed. You wondered how your sister would feel if she was in your place.

As your mind flew towards your sister, you felt the familiar feeling of loneliness wash over your heart. You only arrived at Uruk today yet you already miss Al-Simr. Maybe it's because of the fact that you know you will never be able to be there again.

"Unable to sleep?" You heard a voice beside you. To your surprise, you quickly stepped sidewards, away from the source of the voice. You turned to see Enkidu staring into the distance much like you were earlier.

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