Chapter Three: A Fine Day

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Your top lifted much higher, showing more of your skin as you stretch both arms upward. You wore a white halter top that has a gold neckline and falls an inch or two below your breasts, exposing your stomach. You arranged the sheets of your bed neatly before making your way out of your room.

You rubbed your eyes as you walked down the dark corridors of the triangular edifice you live in. Because of its structure, there were no windows that would allow sunlight to pass through. You mostly depend on the torches attached to the walls to guide your way through the massive complex you call your home.

Still a little sleepy, you bumped into someone as you turned around a corner. "Oh?" You said as you looked up at the person. "I'm sorry." You covered your mouth as you let out a big yawn. You received a chuckle in return from the man you just bumped. "Well, good morning, princess!" He greeted. "I was on my way to your chamber for the queen has requested your presence in the dining hall."

"Tsk!" You clicked your tongue at the roof of your mouth. "No need for such formalities, Ajamu," you said. "It's not like we're far apart when it comes to age, and it's also not like we haven't known each other since we were kids." You walked past him as you continued to make your way towards the dining hall.

"But princess," he said in an imitative tone as he followed after you. "I am but a humble knight in your presence, milady." Even from behind you, you could sense the smirk plastered upon his face. You ignored his remarks as you were nearing the dining hall. Noticing your actions, Ajamu quickly took back what he said, not wanting to ruin your morning.

"Just kidding, (y/n)," he said. He wanted to ruffle your (h/c) hair with golden strands but stopped himself. He knew he shouldn't for you weren't kids anymore to playfully touch each other. He knows his limits and even though he is a close friend of yours, he respected you the same way the other men in your land did.

Not a single soul dares to lift a finger on you, much more even touch your skin. It wasn't a law or anything but that's how much your people are disciplined. That's how high they hold their respects towards you and the queen. 

Upon reaching the dining hall, Ajamu stopped by the doorway. Sensing his presence drifting far behind as you walked, you turned around. "Have you eaten already?" You asked. Sheepishly, Ajamu rubbed the back of his head. "Uhh yeah," he replied. "I ate breakfast together with the other knights today."

You knew full well that Ajamu sees it as an honor to eat with you and the queen on the table but at the end of the day, he knew he was a mere knight. He knows his place and he doesn't want to spoil himself of the special treatment you offer him just because he has been a long time friend of yours. He finds it unfair to the other knights.

You gave a small nod before you turned around once more to head to the table. Your sister sat by one end of the long wooden table. Noticing your appearance, she gave a smile as she tilted her head sidewards, motioning towards your chair. "Good morning," you softly said as you sat by the place of honor; right side from your sister's point of view.

"Good morning," she greeted back. The moment you were comfortably sitting, maidservants began placing plates of food on the table. The maid who served food from your left side was careful not to be in the way of your conversation with the queen who's seated to your left. Your sister glanced by the doorway where Ajamu once stood. 

"You didn't invite Ajamu over?" She asked, looking back at you. You shook your head, "He said he has already eaten breakfast with his knights." Ajamu was the commander of the knights and the general of the empire's army as well. Your peaceful kingdom rarely goes into war with other nations but when it does, Ajamu makes sure the empire emerges victorious.

Once the meals were placed on the table, you grabbed the wooden fork beside your plate and quickly had your share of the meal. The first minutes of dining was nice and quiet until your sister decided to break it. "What do you think of Ajamu?" She asked as she took a sip of fruit juice.

You swallowed the food in your mouth before you asked back, "What do you mean what do I think of him?" You watched her lips curved upward in a mischievous smile. She leaned a little in your direction before raising both her eyebrows. "You know what I mean," she answered.

Your eyes rolled back again as if programmed to do so whenever your sister brings up a guy only to give you suggestive comments that long to make you pay a little bit of attention to men and romance. You opened your mouth and was about to speak when your sister cut in. "Just kidding!" She said, chuckling as she waved a hand in the air. "Finish your food now. You'll bathe by the oasis today, right?"

It has been a habit of yours to bathe by the small spring behind your home. There were plenty of oases near your kingdom giving you an adequate supply of water despite the parchedness of your land. The rest of the springs were open for everyone but the one located exactly behind the edifice you live in is exclusively yours. It was coincidentally there as if it was really meant to belong to you.

Finishing your food, you stood up and thanked the maids for a wonderful breakfast. As you strode off the dining hall, the head maid stood beside the queen's chair. Your sister stared at your back as your delicate body walked farther until you were out of sight. She sighed in content as you left the hall. 

"The princess becomes even more beautiful as she grows," the head maid commented. "It felt as if it was only yesterday when she was a small child running through the halls and playing with Ajamu. She grew up to be a fine lady much like you are, my queen."

"Do you wanna know what makes her even more interesting to me?" Nefera said as she took a sip of juice. She leaned sidewards to rest an elbow on one of the armrests of her chair. "You know the story of Chira, don't you? It seems as if (y/n) is the goddess herself, Chira's human embodiment of some sort."

You made your way towards your room where you found Ajamu leaning against the wall beside your doorway. The moment he sensed your presence, he pushed himself off the wall and stood straight. "Wait for me by the main hall," you said as you pushed the curtains that serve as door beside. You didn't wait for his response and entered your room.

While rummaging through your storage chest, you thought back the words your sister told you earlier. "What do you think of Ajamu?" Her voice echoes through your thoughts. Love is a language that can be spoken in so many ways, yet love does not need to be loud to be heard. Closing the wooden chest shut, you stood with a piece of cloth hanging by your arms. You were about to exit when a piece of jewel sitting atop your bed glimmered. Stoping, you glanced sideways towards the bracelet that silently laid on your sheets.

You hesitated for a moment because you know Ajamu is with you and you find no reason to bring the magical piece of jewel with you. Yet despite the safety radiating from Ajamu when you're with him, something told you to bring it today. It's not like something bad is to happen but you have great trust in your gut instincts that's why you walked towards your bed and quickly grabbed the bracelet before exiting the room.

The brightness of your atmosphere dimmed down a little as you walked down the corridor. That feeling you felt earlier, it was nothing, right? It was just a random urge to bring the jewel with you. You chanted that mantra over and over until you've reached the main hall. Underneath the cloth that hung by your arm, you gently slid the bracelet to your wrist. "Today is a good day. All will be fine," you whispered and with that, you brushed the unwanted feeling away.

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