Chapter Twenty-Four: Remnant of Kindness

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"Please accept this as a token of apology," you said, gesturing for Enkidu to place the large pot on the table. "They're freshly made by the ziggurat's cooks." You took the chance to offer the food the moment the two young boys whined about their empty stomachs. As the pot was placed on the table, they moved closer and inhaled the aroma of good food seeping out of the container.

"My, your highness, you didn't have to," their mother said as she fiddled with her hair. "This is quite embarrassing. We're only mere commoners."

Shaking your head, you replied, "We should be the ones shamed by the troubles the king has caused your husband. Rest assured, I will work on this."

The married couples had their eyes glued on the table as you were sitting in front of them. There before you, you can see it with your own eyes—the gap between the king and his people; a crevice that will take you a long while to bridge considering the number of people living in Uruk. It wasn't impossible, though, you believed.

It pained you to see how inferior they deem themselves to be in the presence of a royal. There was no written law that states that the rulers should be within hand's reach of their people but no law states otherwise. A nation is one a whole body where the rulers are united with their people, not apart from them.

The woman took the courage to stand and excuse herself. She headed towards their kitchen and soon after, you heard the sound of pottery clanking against each other as she prepares for lunch. You were left at the table with Ticus and his sons and you took this opportunity to apologize personally to the man. 

Turning to him, you said, "My deepest apologies for what happened earlier," as you bowed your head a bit. "Y-your highness!" He said surprised. "Please, lift your head. It should be the other way around." He then lowered his head in return.

"The act of apologizing when one wronged another is a bare minimum of being human," you replied. "That doesn't exclude me nor Gilgamesh."

Before the conversation continues, Ticus's wife returned. In her arms, she carried plates enough to serve everyone on the table. She placed one in front of everyone and even included another one beside you for Enkidu despite his absence. Enkidu stands guard outside by the doorway, allowing you to take full control of the situation. After all, you both know it is better this way—to let you take lead.

Before returning to her seat, the wife opened the pot and started serving everyone. She first turned to you to serve you but you waved your hand dismissingly as you told her to help themselves first. After everyone had their shares, the young boys were about to dig in when their mom gently pinched them. "What should you two say first?" She asked.

"Oh," Aloy said before turning to you. "Thank you, miss!" He exclaimed. "Yay! Thank you!" Amad said right after. 

"Amad, Aloy," their mom called. "She is a princess, soon to be the wife of the king, which means you should address her as 'Your Highness' or—" before she could further continue, you cut in. "There, there," you said. "It's okay to call me whatever you feel comfortable with," You told the boys, giving them a gentle smile. 

"Please, make yourself comfortable," you said. "I am very much different from the king and I wouldn't treat you the same way he does." You motioned for them to dig in the food the same way the kids have.

"T-thank you, your highness," Ticus said before he started giving in to the food. "Thank you very much, my queen," his wife said alongside him. "The pleasure is and will always be mine," you replied, giving them a reassuring smile. As the five of you were eating, you took the initiative to start more conversations with them to ease the tense atmosphere. 

"So the little one is Amad, his brother's Aloy, you're Ticus, and...?" you ended your sentence with a question as you looked at Ticus's wife. "E-Elia," she said. "My name's Elia." You gave another smile and said, "What a very pretty name." You saw her cheeks glow pink by the compliment you gave.

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