45: Butter Cake

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One morning, two moons since the king's return, you found yourself sulking over breakfast at the fact that you weren't able to have some of Siduri's butter cake because a certain blonde said so.

He even ate what was supposed to be yours right there, across the table in front of you. "Didn't you know?" He asked before popping a slice of cake into his mouth, emphasizing the fact that he has it, not you.

"Sweets can increase the chances of giving birth to a larger baby," he said. "If you want to have a hard time giving birth, then have all the cakes you want."

So that was why you've seen a noticeable growth on your bump in the past moons. You never thought it was because of your fondness for Siduri's butter cakes since the doctors never told you anything about that.

Because of this, you assumed that the fast growth of your bump was due to the fact that you were carrying a boy. Well, according to the old wives' tale, that is.

A few days ago, you almost jumped in surprise upon seeing a sprout from the bag containing the barley. When you almost had lost the hope of ever finding out in advance if you're having a boy or a girl because the plants still do not show any signs of sprouting, you saw several green leaves poking out of the soil.

You haven't told Gilgamesh about it because you assumed he might not have cared less. You weren't planning on keeping it a secret but if he asks, of course, you'll tell.

You remained silent through the rest of the breakfast. Every once in a while, you would gently rub your hands on your bump which has grown so fast. The doctors told you that it would grow even further and that thought alone surprised you because it already feels like there's a whole watermelon in your stomach.

You have been advised to stay in the ziggurat and you were excused from your queenly tasks of going through daily reports and going to your embassy to meet the common people's concerns.

A moon ago, Gil already forbid you from going to your embassy but allowed you to continue your duties by letting the people into the Royal Hall. From then on, that is where you addressed their concerns.

However, a few days ago, Gil forbid you from doing all your duties like you usually do every day. One morning you woke up, fresh and ready to meet the people, but upon entering the Royal Hall you were met with... no one.

Siduri informed you that the common people were once again not allowed to enter the Royal Hall. A memo was released beyond your approval that you would temporarily stop addressing the common people's needs.

You would have gotten angry but your body tells you to be thankful. Every day, your bump gets a bit heavier and heavier to carry. Walking from your chamber to the Royal Hall already tires you. That's why for the first time, you were thankful for Gilgamesh's actions.

Gilgamesh disliked being ordered around because as we all know, he is the one who does that. However, everything he has done so far is carefully based on the court physician's advice. It took him a while of convincing from Enkidu to listen, though.

Sometime this afternoon, bored from being stuck inside the ziggurat, you sat on your place beside the throne. You propped your elbow on the armrest of Gil's throne and placed your chin on your hand.

The golden rays of the sun crawled in between the great pillars of the ziggurat. For the time being, everything was golden and you let your mind drift off. It isn't always that the ziggurat seems this peaceful.

You didn't know how long you were staring into nothing when you heard a call. "Your highness," a loud whisper caught your attention. Had you been deeply daydreaming you might have not noticed.

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