69 follower special

15 3 3

Alright, alright, I'll do SOMETHING, I guess. The amount of dedication I give no one cuz even I'm not dedicated to life, #YNLE.


Fine, you know what? I'll be doing a 100, 420, and 690 follower special. How's that? Yes, very odd, I know. Why not 42069? Well, cuz I'll never reach there.

@WildWorldkid, Thanks for being my 69th follower, I should do something for you.

@NaMiNuChu, You were my 69th follower, but became the 68th. Kudos to your dedication.

Okay, so what exactly should I do? No sin, I cannot bear having my phone store that. Er. 69 is a very curvy curve.

"GUYS! Guess what?!" Dream exclaimed. Nightmare sighed, dealing with his team's bullcrap was already taxing enough, now he had to deal with DREAM?? Was Fate really trying hard to make his personality into IamYourMother??

"ANYWAYS! Ink told me my lucky number!" Dream forced his facial bone mass to contort into the perfect picture of smiley-de-smile and tilted his head to look at his dear brother.

Well, Ink was an artist in the weird, unnatural, and vauge. (WHAT WAS THAT WORD?? ABOUT UNCLEAR OR SOMETHING???)

Nightmare trusted Ink. And that was great trust, as he had highlighted heavily. "So, what is the number?"


His crew burst out laughing.

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