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"I..Margaery and I."

"Good, I like her brother, she thinks like me."

"Like you?" he asked confused.

"Like me, she thinks you need protecting." Rhaenys said and he smiled.

"I have you to protect me."

"Always, little brother."

The next morning after he woke he went to his uncle's room and knocked on the door, his uncle opened it almost as if he had been waiting for him, and later as they walked from the keep his uncle looked to Jors and Walder.

"It's good to see you again Walder."

"You too Lord Stark."

"I'm sorry, I don't think we were introduced?" his uncle said to Jors.

"This is Ser Jors Whitewolf, Lord Stark." Jon said as a servant passed them.

"It's good to meet you, any friend of Jon's is one of mine own." his uncle said.

"I thank you it's good to meet you too my lord."

The walk to the Godswood took some time, Jon had heard about it from Loras and asked Margaery where it was but still, they almost got lost on their way, when they did reach it they were both equally surprised. The Three Singers were three Weirwoods which had become entangled, their branches were intermingled, beneath them lay a pool and though at first, they gave the appearance of one tree, it was clear by the three trunks they were once separate.

"You look well Jon." his uncle said taking a seat.

"You too uncle, it's good to see you."

"Aye, you too. Arthur explained about Cregan.""

"I had wanted to tell you myself, in person, he's a good lad uncle, a true Stark." he said and saw his uncle smile.

"Lady Ashara."

"My aunt is a fine lady uncle, I've been fortunate to get to know her some."

"You think of her as an aunt?" his uncle asked though his tone was more curious than anything.

"I've lost far too much family uncle, far too much. Ashara is my Aunt, as is Ellaria, as Oberyn is my uncle."

"About that Jon, Prince Oberyn, what happened? How?"

He told him then of Oberyn recognizing him, of Elia's letter and Rhaenix, of the Mountain and the things they learned in relation to the Maester's. Of how Oberyn had then declared for him and how he had said his brother would too, though Jon had not yet the chance to speak to Doran himself. By the time he was finished he was spent and he hadn't even begun to scratch the surface of most of the things he wished to cover.

"I'm sorry Jon, those things, what you learned. I should have been there for you, you shouldn't have gone through that alone."

"I wasn't alone uncle, I had my sister, my uncle and aunt, my cousins. I had Jaime and Gerion, Genna and Joy, they are family uncle, Tyrion too, he…he is my uncle, my blood."

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