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"I am Arianne, though we are more used to rushing through our meals, to rushing so we can enjoy the sweet taste of our desserts, I find myself more willing to go far more slowly."

"Slow can be good Tyrion, though there is a time for speed too, do you not agree?" she said licking her lips.

"Variation Arianne, I find variation to be key." he said smiling at her his mismatched eyes gleaming in the night sky.

Arianne reveled in flirting, she reveled in making a man lose himself, a man lusting for her and she could see that Tyrion certainly did want her. But either he was far better at playing this game or something was holding him back, whichever it was it intrigued her, excited her, relieved her boredom. She was about to say something even more direct when Oberyn and Ellaria walked out, Obara, Nym and Tyene too.

"Ah, there my niece is, showing Tyrion the sights Ari?" Oberyn said a half-smirk on his face.

"Just showing him what delights Dorne has to offer uncle." she said and smirked when Tyrion gulped.

Good, it was nice to know he really was interested and not just flirting for the sake of it, she stood up and walked to her uncle, kissing his cheek.

"It's good to have you back uncle, though I'm distraught you'll not be staying for long."

"We leave on the morrow Ari, we must speak to Doran and then be on our way." Oberyn said and she looked to see a bit of disappointment on Tyrion's face, which matched her own.

"Then we must make the very best use of the night we have, don't you agree Tyrion?" she said and saw the dwarf smile.

They spent some more time on the balcony, before the cool air chilled too much, then after some dancing which Tyrion didn't partake in, nor did she since he was who she wised to dance with, the night eased down. Tyrion, despite looking like he was drinking as much as everyone else, was practically sober and she smirked as she noticed his trick, always holding a half-full glass, always looking as if you'd just emptied your own.

After bidding everyone good night and going back to her room, she quickly changed into something far more revealing. Giving the guards quite an eyeful, which wasn't anything new, she made her way to Tyrion's room and knocked at the door. The look he gave her when he opened it, fed into her arousal, she said nothing, just walked in and closed the door behind her.

"Princess I.." he stuttered adorably.

"Welcome to Dorne." she said with a smile as she undid the straps and her dress fell to the floor.

As she stood at the gates waving them off many hours later she smiled, the marks he'd left on her were covered for now, though she'd take pleasure in seeing them later. She had asked him to bite her and he had, asked him to please her and he did, asked him to satisfy her and she was more than sated. Smiling she turned and walked back towards the Old Palace, she had asked him to return and he had promised he would, and she found herself far more eager for his, than for anyone else's thus far.

Riverlands/Kings Landing 294 AC.

Ser Richard.

He and Darius had both stayed in the shack and taken a turn to go to the small village, he felt in some ways lost here, cut off from the rest of his lips, and so he had no wish to stay too long. The news Darius brought him of Hoster's death though changed everything, Richard could honestly say there were few men he hated as much as Hoster Tully, few he wished to see suffer more than him.

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