Start from the beginning

"Daeron, the quarter's should they not be separate?"

"Walder and Jors are acting as Kingsguard Loras it's a brotherhood, in White Sword Tower we each had our own bedchambers but they are just simple rooms for sleeping, the other areas are used by all, it helps foster the brotherhood." Arthur said and Loras noticed the warm smile on his face.

Once done with the tour they took the lift back to the family wing and he was surprised only a few moments after entering it to find Jon looking for him, Ghost and the black pup and grey pups walking with him. Standing at his right shoulder Jors looked to Walder and nodded before doing the same to Arthur, Kingsguard Loras thought excitedly these men were Jon's Kingsguard.

"There you are, I see you've met our new trainer." Jon said smiling as he nodded to Arthur.

"Aye I have, I look forward to sparring."

"Well you'll get to do it before I will." Jon said motioning to his injured arm.

"I'm sorry Jon, maybe i should wait?"

"Don't be an idiot Loras I can see how excited you are, anyway there's something I need to show you, can you come with me?" Jon said smiling.

"What is it?" he asked a note of excitement at the thoughts of training with Ser Arthur still in his voice.

"You'll see. Walder can you show Arthur the Rock?"

"Daeron for now Jon and Loras was good enough to show me already, I was wondering if I could borrow Jors for a bit. though, Walder can take over his duties for now" Arthur said and Jon nodded.

"Anything I need to know?" Jon asked.

"No, just that Jors may know where I'd get some of that dye we spoke of." Arthur said and Jon nodded to Jors.

The two groups separated then, Arthur and Jors heading to the lift while he, Walder and Jon walked to Jon's room. He really wished to ask Jon of his meeting with Margaery, it was on the tip of his tongue, but he decided to wait as Jon would tell him in his own time no doubt. When they reached the room Jon held his hand out to him and stopped him from walking in, he looked to him and shook his head confusing him.

"I wanted to thank you, what I did last night I'd not have been able to without you looking after Sansa. I know it may seem like I've been ignoring you, but it's not been like that I swear. What you're about to see, had there been another way, well this wouldn't be the first time you'd see her." Jon said before opening the door.

Loras was happy Jon hadn't been ignoring him, he knew it but still it was good to hear it from his friend, the rest confused him though or at least it did until he stepped into the room. There on Jon's bed she stood and she was magnificent, her wings the brightest blue, her scales as white as snow, she looked to Jon and chirped and Loras looked to Jon open mouthed in shock.

"Relax Loras she won't harm you." Jon said to him while looking at the dragon, he then put his arm around Loras's shoulder.

"Jon, that's, How, I mean when. How? Jon that's a dragon." he stumbled over his words and Jon laughed.

"Aye I know, Loras meet Rhaenix, Rhaenix this is Loras my friend." Jon said and took him by the arm to meet the dragon.


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