Start from the beginning

"All rise for the King and Queen."

Jon turned to see the king is accompanied by Lady Alerie, the queen looking anywhere but at Lord Mace beside her. Behind them Prince Joffery was walking with that smug smile on his face while Margaery walked beside him, followed by Lord Arryn and Lady Olenna. Jon felt his heart turn to look at Joffrey holding Margaery's hand, the boy looking like the cat who got the cream, quickly managing to raise Jon's annoyance even further.

As they made their way to the high table, Jon couldn't wait to get out of here, suddenly having no desire to stay in this hall for the remainder of the evening. He was so engrossed in his own thoughts that he missed the smile Margaery had on her face when she saw him, the first one she'd shown since entering the hall.

"I told you grandmother would not sit at that table," Loras whispered.

"Indeed," Jon said sourly.

When the king and queen took their seats so did everyone else and Jon was pleased to find that he couldn't really see where Margaery was seated from this viewpoint. The dishes began arriving and Jon found he had little appetite, something Loras picked up on quite quickly.

"Are you well Jon?" his friend asked concernedly.

"Aye, just not in the mood for what is this, boar?"

"I think so, it seems our king likes meatier dishes."

"That explains a lot," Jon said and Loras burst out laughing, something he couldn't help but join in with.

"What are you two talking about?" Lancel said from across the table.

"Oh nothing, Jon was just pointing out that the king's taste in dishes explains a lot," Loras said.

Lancel shook his head not taking the meaning which only made Jon and Loras laugh even louder.

"You two are odd," Lancel said turning to tuck into a particularly juicy piece of boar.

"Enjoy your meat Lancel, it'll help you grow up to be big and strong," Loras said.

"Aye, a mighty stag you'd make," Jon said and the two boys were set off yet again.

"Boys," Genna said her crisp voice and the look she gave them enough to scold them from where she sat.

He and Loras quietened down for now, but very soon were laughing about something else, before Jon once again caught Lord Edmure looking at him, he turned and smirked having recognized that look, it was one he'd seen a lot in Winterfell.

"Why is Lord Tully giving you a death stare Jon?" Loras asked.

"Probably because he's a cold fish just like his sister," Jon said as he raised his glass and grinned at the man, much to his obvious annoyance as he almost jumped up from his chair.

After the dishes were served and Jon was sure anyone who'd eaten more than a mouthful would no doubt be stuffed, they were free to walk and speak to people before the dancing started. He decided to walk to the northern table and bid them, hello, but as he looked to the high table he saw Margaery laugh at something the prince said, so he stood up and pushed his seat loudly back. Unfortunately for him, it wasn't just Loras and those at his table who noticed, as when the king looked down to see who had made the noise, he saw Jon.

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