Start from the beginning

"Brother," Tyrion said as he entered Gerion following behind.

"Tyrion, Uncle, sit down, there is much we must discuss."

"I intend to cut our contribution to the crown," he said noticing the shock on both their faces.

"They already owe us nearly a million gold dragons, father was funding the crown at the rate of almost 250.000 a year not to mention the nearly 100.000 Cersei spent from the fund's father gave her, this needs to stop."

"I agree brother but it'll cause problems both with our sister and the crown."

"Damn our sister and damn the crown, I'm the lord of the Westerlands, not King's Landing, we need to spend our money on projects here, the gold won't last forever, we must do something now before it's too late."

"You do realize who'll fill the gap brother?

"Let Tyrell's waste their coin on the fat kings whimsy's they won't do it for long and when they realize that it's a Stark he wants as his son's bride they'll cut their funding pretty fast." his uncle said a large smile on his face.

"So brother what projects did you have in mind?

"Castermere," Jaime said shocking them both, the mines were flooded but Jon had found a solution thanks to Tyrion's encouragement to read.

"But how?."

"Jon found it in one of those books you pointed him to, he called it a wind wheel, I'm not sure of the exact details but Maester Creylen assured me it could work, he has the drawings in his rooms if you want to take a look."

Tyrion sat there dumbfounded if they could remove the water from Castermere their mines would almost double overnight, this was huge, to think a seven name day old boy had possibly found the solution that his father could not, he laughed so loudly the others must have thought he had gone crazy.

"Are you okay, Tyrion?" his brother asked.

"What, yes I'm fine, I was just thinking how father would have reacted to Jon."

"Speaking of Jon, I want you to attend a meeting with him later."

"Oh, and who are we meeting?"

"Ser Wylis Manderly, I want you to set up a trading agreement with the north, well with the Manderly's at least, nothing huge just a foot in the door."

"And you want me to bring Jon because he's his liege lord's son."

"He also knows more about the north than either of us so he may see some opportunity we don't."

"Of course brother, I'll have it set for after the archery."

"Good, we'd better make our way to Lannisport, Jon's already there, are you bringing Joy, uncle?"

"Aye, Jon wants to show her around the horses and some of the stalls, today is the best day I don't want her there when the melee or jousting starts."

"What about the duelling?"

"Like I could let her miss her babysitter's duels."

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