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⌕. ࣪ ִֶָ ࣪ ˖𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕

"You guys going to Hogmeade this weekend? Everyone else is." the older Lupin asked his friends.

"I'm not going if Harry isn't." the light blonde stated.

"You know I can't go." the green eyed boy said then sighed.

"Which means I'm not going." the light blonde

"You guys should go I'm fine on my own." the black haired boy hesitated

"How about we all stay!" the younger Lupin exclaimed

"I have to go I'm a prefect." the Hufflepuff fifth year groaned

"I don't think you have to there's Erin and the other prefects they'll be fine." the red haired boy stated.

"I'm the head boy, They need me to help watch over the Puffs. I feel more like a babysitter." the older Diggory stated with his head in his hands.


"So it's final we're not going to Hogsmeade. No biggie it isn't that special. Right Symone?" the light blonde stated a bit sarcastically.

"Yeah no biggie!" the brown haired girl exclaimed.

"The whole league, except for Ced, is staying! We could have fun like the old times. Wait we always have fun. What was I saying again?" the light blonde stated questioning herself as the girls burst into laughter.

"Since Harry's here as well we must make sure of that it goes as planned!" the dark blonde exclaimed making all the girls nod except for Roseline.

"What plan?" the light blonde asked narrowing her eyes.

"Ah child. We have come up with the most absurd plan in the PLANet." the brown haired girl stated hopping of the Hufflepuff Greenwood's bed.

"I just realized we're in the Hufflepuff dorms. How did you get in here?" the light blonde asked. At this point she was questioning her sanity.

"Remember Erin let me in. Plus you guys don't got room mates so." the brown haired girl stated then shrugged.

"Oh yeah." the light blonde said in realization.

"Okay on to the plan." the brown haired girl stated.

"No need for plans. I mean Rosie could win someone over with a hi." the dark blonde said proudly.

"Ya know. I'm not going through with any of this. I'm fine doing nothing." the light blonde stated.

"But-" the girls groaned at the same time.

"It's getting late if you don't leave you'll be in trouble with the head boys ." the light blonde said in a low tone

"She's not wrong we should head out." the brown haired girl stated.

"See you tommorrow!" the dark blonde exclaimed then closed the dorm door.


"It's already almost midnight..." the light blonde stated straining to read the clock.

"I tHinK sO." the dark blonde said while yawning making the light blonde giggle.

"N-night Ro-sie." the younger Diggory said in a sleepy tone.

"Night Lia." the Hufflepuff Greenwood whispered before blowing out the candles.

In Roseline's Dreams;

"Casp we're too old to be doing this." the light blonde heard a feminine voice whisper.

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