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⌕. ࣪ ִֶָ ࣪ ˖𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕

The older Greenwood and the younger Lupin made their way to their new potions class.

"Already Imagining all the second years' faces when we walk in." said the younger Lupin.

"Wait....Frick Malfoy's in that class." said the older Greenwood.

"Atleast some of our friends are there too!" Symone said then gave Roseline a smile.


"Ah Miss Greenwood,Miss Lupin take a seat." the black haired Professor said as all the students glared at them.

"Class from today these two will be joining us in our potions classes.Any questions?" he added to his statement.

The platinum blonde haired boy lifted up his hand.

"Yes Mr Malfoy." the teacher said facing him.

"Why are first years here?" he asked glaring at them.

"For your information Draco,These first years are way better at potions than you are."  the professor spat while most of the students tried to hold their laughs.

"I'll be putting you in groups of five." He said then waved his wand making pieces of parchment appear infront of every student.

Group 1

Rose Weasley. 

Blaise Zabini.

Draco Malfoy.

Harry Potter.

Roseline Greenwood.

"Oh great, we've got Pottah and a mudblood!" the older Malfoy said sarcastically his two Slytherin friends.

Group 2
Hermione Granger.

Ronald Weasley.

Neville Longbottom.

Theodore Nott.

Symone Lupin.

(Other groups don't matter Oof)

"Sit according to your groups." the professor said harshly .


"Ok so you take the wolvesbane and boom!" the Slytherin girl said to her group mates as the potion formed some smoke.

"Hold on.You forgot the Anonite." the Hufflepuff girl said as she added the ingredient to the potion.

"Are you guys going to help out or just sit there?" the two girls asked the rest of their group mates.

"I don't even know what the hell we're doing." the Slytherin boy with black hair said to them.

"I'm not going to lie, I don't know either." the Gryffindor boy said.

"We're making some type of healing potion or something." the blonde Slytherin boy said tiredly.

"No, it's for werewolves Malfoy." the light blonde said.

"Wow the mudblood actually knows something." the older Malfoy said sarcastically.

"Draco!" the red head exclaimed as she glared at the boy.

"Whatever. Let's go on." the blonde girl said to the red head.

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