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⌕. ࣪ ִֶָ ࣪ ˖𝟑𝐑𝐃 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐏𝐎𝐕

Slytherin common room

"Hey." the platinum blonde said to the red head.She glared at him with anger in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" the boy asked her in a sympathetic tone.

"YOU!"she shouted at him.

"What do you mean?" the platinum blonde asked confused.

"You're fooling people your arm which is perfectly fine.You can't just lie to us like that." the red head screeched.

"I' doing this for a reason.I know you don't think Hagrid is a good Professor." the blonde said smirking.

"See you agree.It's only a matter of time before your father goes to the minister.Then I will tell our friends the truth."Well," the red head stated."Till then, I won't talk to you, It's your punishment. Because of you, Pansy and I had an argument and now we're no longer friends." the red head said then stood up and left.Ignoring the boy's bloody face.

"YOU DESERVED THOSE PUNCHES DRACO!" shouted as Noah walked into the common room with Aaron  following behind him.


"Do I look like I care what you think." the platinum blonde spat.

"Oh it's like that then.We're no longer friends.And don't think of ever talking to me again."the black haired boy said then left for his dorm.

"Stuck up git." the brown haired boy whispered in the platinum blonde's ear before going to his dorm.

To be totally honest the platinum blonde didn't know how to feel.He just lost two friends of his.

"How do you feel Draco..." one of his goons asked in a low tone.

"You just lost two friends..." the other goon said.

"I KNOW!" the platinum blonde said in anger then walked to his dorm room.


"My boggart was a DINOSAUR!LIKE A FRICKEN TYRANNOSAURUS REX.LIKE THEY DON'T EVEN FRICKEN EXIST."the brown haired boy said fricking out.

"Mine was a dementor..." the red head said with his head down.

"You guys sound like you had a heck of a D.A.D.A class." the dark blonde said to the third years.

"It was very eventful."the red head stated

"But not as eventful as yesterday before dinner.We heard about Malfoy ya know."the brown haired girl stated.

"Op- Um- Uh I'm almost late for class Cya." the light blonde said then sprinted off.

"BUT WE GO TO THE SAME CL- Arg we'll meet her there." the dark blonde shouted.

"Any one mind telling the story?" the older Lupin asked.

"We.saw.everything!" the two third year boys said then told the whole story to their friends.


Soon enough it was October. The cold fall breeze filled the castle. Every one was as happy as a lark to be going to Hogsmeade today. All permission slips were signed. Well except for Potter

"I'm so lazy. I didn't want to get up this early." the brown haired girl groaned then leaned on her brother's shoulder.

"Sacrifices we make for Hogsmeade." the older Lupin said patting his sister's head.

"What's so special about Hogsmeade?" the red haired boy asked curiously.

"Well. It's just um- special." the blue eyed boy said then shrugged.

"Yeah. Kind of like that." the older Diggory stated.


"Welcome to Hogsmeade." the older Lupin stated as the muggles in the league were fascinated.

"Meh been here a couple of times.  Zonko's anyone?" the dark blonde stated.

"Nah I was thinking Honeydukes." the brown haired girl said.

"Okay then. How about groups. I'll go with Celia and Aaron." the older Diggory said.

"I'll go with little Rosie" the blue eyed boy said as quick as possible.

"What I'm not getting stuck with Red." the boy added to his statement making everyone but  the red head have a laugh.

"Guess I'm going with Symone and Connor." the older Lupin stated.
Then they dispersed.


"Where to my lady?" the blue eyed boy asked the girls.

"Three broom sticks.I mean everyone else is everywhere else." the younger Greenwood stated.


"Woahhh who gave you that?" the platinum blonde asked pointing at the necklace that dangled on the younger Lupin's neck.

"Oh Red bought it for me." the brown haired girl stated.

"He got others for you guys too." the brown haired girl added to her previous statement.

"Doesn't matter. Did he put the necklace on you?" the dark blonde asked enthusiastically.

"Um-Yeah." the brown haired girl said then continued licking her ice cream while the girls squealed again.

"He totally likes you. Also why the heck are you taking ice cream it's fricken cold. But he totally likes you." the light blonde said jumping up and down.

"Pft even if he does, He has to get my approval first." the older Lupin butted in.

"Don't be a git Sam. If Lory was still here I would let her date." the blue eyed boy stated.

"That's you I'm me." the older Lupin stated.

"Thank God Ced is nothing like that." the dark blonde mummbled making the girls giggle.


"RACE YA TO SHRIEKING SHACK!" the older Lupin shouted then sprinted for the shack the league followed behind him.

"Is-isn't this place haunted?" the older Diggory asked panting.

"H-haun-ted?" the red head asked all scared.

"Legend says evil ghosts live in there." the blue eyed boy said creepily making the red head jump.This made everyone laugh.

"SNOW BALL FIGHT!" the dark blonde shouted.

"But  I ju-" the brown haired girl stated before being hit by a snow ball.

"Oh never mind it's on." she stated then grasped a hand full of snow, formed it into a ball and threw it at the direction where the other one came from.The snow ball hit Aaron boy on his face.

"MONE!!" he screeched.

"HAHA PAY BACK!" the brown haired girl shouted back and the snow ball fight went on.

𓏲࣪ 𓂃 ⵓ . 𓏲࣪ ִֶָ ࣪𓂅 ˖ˑ
Not bad, 😄 I removed a big chunk again TT

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