Chapter 10: The Dance part 2

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The picture above is what I have so far. It's the book, both the completed novel and the original movie, 12 buttons, a Tulsa Oklahoma from when I was there, an Outsiders poster, The Outsiders newspaper, and my phone case.

Dally's p.o.v

"Wait what" I said.

Rocky is the girl I've been looking for. How could I have never noticed. She walked up to me.

"Hey Dal I'm guessing you never found her" she asked.

"Actually I did" I said smirking.

"Oh" she said her face turning sad.

"Its you" I said.


"I've been looking for you this whole time but I was too blind to see it" I said lifting her chin and kissing her.

"Aw Dally" was all she said as I kissed her once more.

"I can't believe it was you"

"What just cause I dress how I dress"

"Well ya, but that doesn't matter to me anymore I like you for you"

"Ya but maybe it is time I dress more....girlyish"

"You'll look beautiful either way" I said. She just smiled.

"Wanna dance" I asked.

"Sure" . there was a slow song on. We went on to the dance floor and started dancing.

"Does the gang" she asked.

"Uh I don't know but I think I told them I was looking for a girl I had met, which happened to be you" I said pecking her lips.

She just layed her head on my shoulder and we kept dancing. I didn't want this moment to end it was perfect being here with the one girl I truly liked. Once the song was over we decided to get something to drink. Then a soc walked up to me.

"Go to the stage remember what you have to do grease" he said whispering in my ear.

I forgot about that. I had to ask out that soc girl. But I just found the girl I really liked and I'm gonna screw all the up ugh! I can't ask her, but I have to for Johnny and the gang and now for her.

I went up on the stage and grabbed the microphone.


Hey hoped you liked it. Sorry its short. Please comment and vote.

~lets do it for just man we'll do it for Johnny

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