Chapter 9: The Dance

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Rocky's p.o.v

I woke up and realized today was the dance. I still didn't know if I was gonna go, the gang said I should but I just don't know. I got dressed and went to the Curtis house cause today I don't have work.

"Hey" I said walking through the door and they all said hey back.

I sat down on the couch and Soda came to sit next to me.

"So you going to the dance" he asked

"Uh I don't know yet"

"Well you should you"

"I'll think about it, whose your date"

"Oh I asked Abby yesterday"

"Oh really well I'm glad for you"

I'm really glad for Soda I've never seen him this happy since Sandy was here.

"Ya and Pony asked Trinity"

"Ya and Two-Bit asked Max" Pony said.

"Oh ya well Johnny asked Scarlet" Two-Bit said.

"Really Johnny well I'm glad for you, I'm glad for all of you"

"You should go" Pony said.

"I'll think about it, well ima go and see if I do go, see y'all later" I said and they all said bye.

Dally's p.o.v

"So what are y'all gonna where" I asked. They all shrugged

"Well should we be looking for something them" I said.

"Probably" Two-Bit

"Well then let go" I said and we all got up and headed towards a clothing store.

When we got there I saw that soc girl that told me to meet her after school and she was going towards us with four other socs.

"We got a little deal with you greasers" one if them said.

"What Bob" Two-Bit said

"If Dally goes out with me then the soc will leave your little gang alone" the girl said.

"Ya right" Soda said.

"We will my sister wants to go out with that greaser I don't know why but she does so we'll leave you alone if you do"

What the hell I'm not going out with her. Wait but Johnny they wouldn't beat him up anymore they would leave him alone. I'm doing it for Johnny.

"Never in a..." Pony was saying but I cut him off.

"Fine" I said

"What" they all said in unison.

"Look they'll leave us alone none of us would have to worry" I said whispering so they wouldn't hear us

"We wouldn't have to see one of us get badly hurt again" I said looking at Johnny.

"You sure Dal" Johnny said.

"I'm sure"

"Ok I'm in" I said.

"Ok and one more thing you have to ask her to be your girlfriend at the dance"

"Fine" I said grinding my teeth. And they left.

We all got what we were going to get and we left home.

Rocky's p.o.v

I was sitting on the couch thinking if I should go or not. Then my dad came through the door.

"Look what I have for you" he said as I turned around. He had a dress in his hands.

"Oh dad you didn't have to" I said

"I did, I want you to go to the dance"

"Thanks dad but how did you even afford it"

"Oh just scrapped up some money it was no big deal really"

"Well thanks dad, you're the best" I said going up to me room.

I guess now I really do have to go. I took a shower and put on the dress, it was tight from the top and flowy from the bottom (like a skater skirt). I let my natural hair down and I put on some flats I had. I went downstairs.

"Wow you look beautiful Roxanne"

"Thanks dad well I better be going bye"


I started walking when I found Abby, Max, Scarlet and Trinity.

"Hey girls" I said.

"Hey" they all said.

"Nice to see your hair down Scarlet" I said.

"Thanks I only put it down for special occasions"

"Well you look great, you all look great" I said and we kept walking to the dance.

Dally's p.o.v

We were all at the dance already. They were just waiting for their dates. They were soon here but with the girl I wanted to ask.

"Look there, there she is" I said pointing to her.

"That's Rocky" Johnny said.

"Wait what" I said.


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~lets do it for Johnny man we'll do it for Johnny

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