Chapter 2: The New Town

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Dallas's p.o.v

When I woke up from my nap the car was fixed and we were back on our way.

Half and hour passes and we still need like 10 more miles to go. I really don't wanna move here go to a new school and new friends nah I don't dig that, the only good thing about this was the new broads a pick up but that it. once we passed the sign that we were now in Tulsa Oklahoma I was glad it was 10 a.m now and we stopped at our new house and all our stuff was already there. I decided to go to a lake I saw earlier.

"I'm going to the lake I saw earlier be back in a few" I asked my mom

"ok then be back soon"

so I left and it wasnt that long of a walk maybe 15 minutes. once I got there I took off my shoes and my shirt and jump in.

Rocky's p.o.v

I was home alone my dad's at work but he doesn't earn much and I have the day off today and I decided to go to the lake today. I got dressed in my usual clothes my hat, jeans, shirt, and sweater and then headed out the door once I got there I noticed someone struggling in the water like if they were drowning. I took off my hat and sweater and shoes and ran in the water as fast as I could.

Dallas's p.o.v

As I was swimming I saw something in the water and it was getting closer. I just figured it was a fish but I decided to swim back and when I moved my leg it got caught in some plant in the water and I started panicking and soon I was underwater trying to reach the surface but I couldnt and that's all I remember.

Lisa's p.o.v

When I jump into I swam to where the person was I got him bit he passed out. I quickly swam back while holding him. Once we reached the surface I did mouth to mouth but it didn't work. I kept trying and he was staring to regain consciousness. I got nervous when he opened his.

"are you ok"

He looked confused he didn't say anything he just stared at me.

"um ok bye"

and I just left and he stayed there.

Dallas's p.o.v

I started to regain consciousness. and I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful girl I ever saw! I was speechless she asked if I was ok put I couldnt answer I was speechless. she was so beautiful.

Awhile later I got up and I went home. I was determined to find that girl, so I got home took a shower and went into town to look around to see if I could find her.

Lisa's p.o.v

I ran all the way home and I took a shower and changed and decided yo go to the Curtis house. As I was walking I saw the guy that I saved he probably didn't even remember me. so I kept walking.

"hey can I ask you something" I turn around and he was talking to me.

"uh ya sure" I had to admit he was really cute.

"have you seen this girl she has wavy hair" he said

I was kinda disappointed that he was looking for another girl, even after I saved him he can't even say a thank you to be or ask for my name, whatever rude

"um no I haven't seen her" I said

"oh ok thanks man" he said


"hey I can take you with my gang maybe they can help you"

"really gee thanks"

Once we got there I opened the door and everyone was in there so I introduced him to everyone.

"hey guys" I said

"hey rocky" the gang said

"this is....wait I never got your name" I said looking at him

"hey I'm Dallas Winston but call me dally"

they all said hey to Dally

"Dally this is Johnny, Ponyboy, Sodapop, Darry, Steve and Two-bit

We took a seat on the couch. we were all having fun and talking and laughing while watching Mickey mouse.

"hey you wanna join the gang", soda said

"Sure thanks"

"But first you have to do something to prove your worthy enough"

we all started giggling knowing soda was just making all that up

"We all had to do something and so do you" soda said

"ok then what do I have to do"

"You have to egg a soc's house" soda said

we all started laughing and saying ooooo and whoaa haha.

"you do know what a soc is right" pony said

"yes I know what a soc is and ok I'll do it"

it was getting late and we had to go home I walked with Dallas home but we went different directions after 2 blocks.

When I got home I got ready for when and got in bed and I had Dallas Winston on my mind all night.

Dallas p.o.v

when I got home I couldn't get that girl off my mind I thought about her till I drifted to sleep.


hey people well there chapter 2 hope you people like it :) :) well thanks for reading my story I really appreciate it! I might update later today laters

~lets do it for Johnny man let's do it for Johnny

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