Chapter 8: My Friend

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Rocky's p.o.v

We waited there until we heard the door open and there came in Dally Two-Bit and Steve.

They all said hi to me Pony Soda and Darry. They still hasn't looked up and saw the girls.

"Well well hello there" Two-Bit said looking up.

"What's your name" Two- Bit said getting close to Max.

"Max and yours" she said with a smirk.

"Two-Bit" he said. Then they both started talking.

"Y'all wanna go to the movies" I asked. And they all said yes.

We all got up and we all headed towards the movies except for Darry he said he was "too busy" like always. We snuck in through the hole and we all sat down. Dally was in the end, I sat next Dally, Pony sat next to me Trinity sat next to Pony, Scarlet sat next to Trinity, Johnny sat next to Scarlet, Soda sat next to Johnny, Abby sat next to Soda, Max sat next to Abby, Two-Bit sat next to Max, and Steve sat next to Two-Bit and Evie sat next to Steve, we picked up Evie on the way.

"So Pony have you asked the girl to the dance yet" Dally said. I looked over to Trinity and saw the hurt in her eyes.

"Oh um I'm second guessing on wheather I should ask her or not" he said smiling at Trinity and she smiled back.

"Oh alright" Dally said with a smirk.

"Are you going with anyone" I asked Dally.

"Ya I hope so, I just need to find her" he said looking away.

"What find her what do you mean"

"Its a long story, but there's this girl i met and I really like her but I've only seen her twice and I can never find her. She's the most beautiful girl in the world and I really wanna ask her" (he's talking about Rocky, but he doesn't know that Rocky is his dream girl cause she dresses like a guy)

That just broke my heart. So I guess he doesn't like me.

"Oh well that's good I guess good luck, umm I have to go bye" I said and quickly left.

I guess things are rough all over. My life hasn't been perfect. I lost my mom when I was small and I can't go to school cause I have to work. And I don't mind it I know we need help to pay bills and stuff but still, why can't one thing go right in my life. I've never asked for much ever but when I have problems I go to my friend. I've never told anyone about my friend. I don't know why I haven't but he's a great friend always there for me, his name is Matt.

I walked to his house and knocked on his window.

"Hey Rocky what are you doing here, come in" he asked

"Sorry for coming at this hour, but I need someone to talk to" I said climbing in.

"Ya anything what is it"

"Well its about a boy" I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"What about him" he said bringing me into a hug.

"Well I know its a stupid thing to be sad about but its just that he likes someone else and I don't know..."

"Oh Rocky its ok, a man who doesn't like you back isn't worth your sadness"

"You always know how to cheer me up" I said and we both giggled.

"Thanks for the talk, but I better be going" I said.

"Ok bye Rocky" he said giving me a hug.

"Bye" I said hugging him back.

Matt is the best, he's the best person to go to when you need someone to talk to. And plus he's just fun to hang out with. I reached my house and and went to my bed and went to sleep.

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~lets do it for Johnny man we'll do it for Johnny

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