Chapter 4: The test

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Dallas's p.o.v

As I headed out the door I went the Curtis and. I opened the door and the while gang was there.

"so we doing this" I said as I pulled the eggs out of my backpack

"ya let's go" soda said and the rest of the gang followed.

Rocky's p.o.v

I was gonna meet the gang later so dally can egg a soc's house. I got out of work and headed towards my house. I got changed in my usual clothes and went to the soc side of town. once I meet up with the gang it was getting dark already.

"ok so you are gonna go egg that house over there" he said pointing to Bob's house.

"ok then" he said getting an egg and walking around the corner where he disappeared.

Dallas's p.o.v

when I turned the corner I saw the house. I was nervous but I wasn't backing out. once I was near the drive way I through the egg and the light porch went on and three guys came out and soon were surrounding me. I didn't know what to do. I punched one of them and they all started punching me and kicking me but I got back up and stated beating them all up as Mich as I could, but I couldn't hold them of for long.

Rocky's p.o.v

we waited but dally never came back. I was starting to get worried.

"why isn't he back yet" I said

"i don't know" said two-bit

"ok rocky you go get him and come back" soda said

"ok" I said and I started to run to the house.

when I got there I saw that dally was holding them off but I went to go help him.

I stood next to him and started punching the other guys but then they had me pinned down and they had a switch blade to my neck

"you're gonna die greaser" Bob said

but before he could cut my neck he was jerked off of me and dally pulled him off and punched him so hard all the other soc's had read left and Bob was knocked out.

"oh thanks dally" I said kissing cheek.

he just looked at me weird and rubbed his cheek with his shoulder.

I knew he didn't like me, he even rubbed of the kiss off his cheek.

we walked back and the gang came running to us.

Dallas's p.o.v

why would he kiss me on the cheek is he gay or something but I didnt say anything.

when we came back the hang ran to us

"hey did you do it" soda said

"ya I did and I beat up the three soc's that attacked me"

"nice mad you're real tough" pony said.

after that we all went home and I got ready for bed and went to sleep.

Roxy's p.o.v

after that I went home and got ready for bed and I kept wondering why he rubbed the kiss off. I thought about it then went to sleep.



hey people hope you like chapter 4 but I'm going to finish my other fanfiction called The Outsiders Girl Trouble first cause I can't handle updating two stories. so I'll finish this one after I finish the other one.

~lets do it for Johnny man let's do it for Johnny

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