Chapter 15: Make things right

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A/N So um I remember the other girl characters ya um ima exclude them from the rest if the story cause its a lot to write about more than one character and remember everything about each one.

I love Dallas Winston I can't deny that for sure. I need to tell him I need to tell Dallas I love him.

"I got to go Matt, I'm sorry" I said smiling

"What why" get said getting up with me.

"I need to find someone and tell tell something very important"

"It's him isn't it" I knew who he was referring too.

I simply nod and climb out the window and head towards the Curtis house.

Dallas p.o.v

We just got out of school. I was walking out of school, looking for Johnny Pony and Two-Bit. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I jumped a little.

"Hey babe" ugh I would recognize that annoying voice anywhere.

"Oh hey Maddy" I said with no emotion. I see Johnny in the distance.

"Well I got to go bye" she noticed them and pulls my hand.

"You should take me to meet your gang"

"You know I'm being forced to do this, why would I want you to meet them"

"Cause you have to, so your choice"

Ugh why did I accept, but I have to there's no backing out now. I have to do this. But when will I be able to finally stop. She's not the one I like. Roxanne is the one I like and a lot.

"Fine" I say grumbly.

We walk towards Johnny Pony and Two-Bit. They all know that I have to do this.

"Hey guys this is girlfriend" they just stare at us and nod. "She wants meet the gang"

"Oh uh ok" Pony said.

We start to walk the Curtis house.

Rocky's p.o.v

They should be there by now, hopefully they are, I have to tell him. I walk up the steps and open the door.

"Hey is Dally h-" she's here "oh um never mind" I quickly left the house.

I run down the steer and I hear footsteps running after me. No please don't let it be Dally please don't let it be Dally I thought  to myself as I ran.
Please not Dally.

Dally's p.o.v

We reached the Curtis house and everyone was home. I sat down on the couch and Maddy sat next to me.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me" she whistpered in my ear.

"Ugh. Everyone this is Maddy, my girlfriend" everyone just nodded and tried to act happy for us.

"Nice to meet you Maddy" Darry said.

"Right, you too" damn that girl is so rude, she's a soc why would she want to be here anyway.

Moments later the door opened and I knew why she wanted to be here, it was Roxanne. No why did she have to come and see me with her. She quickly ran back out when she saw us. Ugh. I have to make things right.

Whoa who ran after her if it's not obvious! I will update this story people don't worry this story will have an end just not now. Thanks for all the readera I still have.
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~lets do it for Johnny man we'll do it for Johnny

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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