Chapter 7: New Girls

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Rocky's p.o.v

"No Johnny!" I quickly ran to him and pulled a soc off.

"Get off of him!" I yelled.

"Oh ya what are you gonna do about it" one of them said.

"This" I punched him in the face.

"That was a bad idea baby" he said as he pinned me to the floor.

What do I do now its 3 against me. I heard footsteps and I saw 4 girls running towards me. 3 of them went to beat up the socs and the other one went to go help Johnny. Once the soc was pulled off of me I got up and went to go help. After the socs ran away I ran to Johnny he was barely cauncious.

"Johnny you alright" I asked. He just shook his head no.

"Oh god Johnny ima go get the gang ok" I said.

"Can you guys take care of him while I get help" I said and they all nodded.

I quickly ran to the Curtis house, Soda Ponyboy and Darry were there.

"You guys come quick Johnny just got beat up badly by some socs" I said. They all got up and followed me.

I brought them to where Johnny was and Darry picked him up and we all followed him back to the hsam.

"Is he going to be ok Darry" I asked.

"Ya he should be" he said with a weak smile.

"Ok" I said as I went outside to the porch where the girls were.

"Thank you guys for helping" I said.

"No problem I'm Abby by the way" the one blue eyes said. She was wearing glasses, and she had brown. hair.

"Did you see those socs dumb pants haha, I'm Max by the way" she reminded me of Two-Bit, she had hazel green eyes and brown hair. She looks really tuff.

"I'm Scarlet nice to meet you" She has tan skin and Carmel hair, that goes down to her lower back and she had a ponytail.

"You too" I said back

"I'm Trinity" she say shyly, she had long dark brown hair and big brown almost black eyes full of fear.

"Nice to meet y'all, I'm Roxanne but they call me Rocky." They all said Hi back.

"So how did y'all meet"

"Well I used to be a soc but I didn't like being one, their lifestyle sucks, so I moved to the other side of town with my aunt over there and that's where I met them" Scarlet said pointing to the house next to Johnny's.

"Oh well welcome" I said.

"I've known Max and Trinity since forever" said Abby.

"Ya we found her all beat up" Max said

"It wasn't a pretty site" said Trinity.

"Oh um well I'm glad you're all friends, and I'm glad you all helped me, now you guys can meet my gang" I said. They all had confused looks on their faces.

"Ya you saw four of them just now you just need to meet three more, they're real nice and funny" I said.

"You have a gang really" Max said.

"The one with blonde hair looked cute" Trinity said.

"Ya and movie star looks guys wasn't to bad either" Abby said.

"Neither was Johnny" Scarlet said with a wink.

"Haha well you wanna meet them they rest should be here soon"

They all nodded. We went inside and we sat on the couch Johnny was better now but he was sitting in the kitchen with Pony. And Sodapop and Darry were talking about something in the room. So we waited patiently for the other while we made small talk.

Ahhhh done I'm done updating all my stories now I just need to publish them but by the time you read this they would already be published. I take a long time cause I write all my stories then publish them all at the same time. Soooo sorrryyyy for taking longgg! And those characters won my contest on Instagram so they got to be in my story.

~lets do it for Johnny man we'll do it for Johnny

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