"Their defences are high and they're not even dropping their guard around us even though Lucy is quicker than them," Rogue muttered under his breath where Lucy scowled at Natsu. "They know what I'm capable of so they're calculating our every movement just in case I catch on it and strike. This tactic is no thanks to Mavis I'm assuming," Lucy replied before taking a bold step forward. "Well, by having them do this, it'll be more entertaining for us that way then," she chuckled.

"Activate, Wings of the Dragon!" she soon called out, flying over to Erza where she pulled out the katana from before out of her right palm. Coming to contact with Erza's blade again, the audience cheered in excitement as the girls fought.

Erza having the upper hand for knowing her blades well unlike Lucy who only receive the sword just a few moments ago, Lucy had no idea what to do with the katana other than using it like any other normal weapon. Pushing the scarlet back in annoyance, she flapped her wings and flew into the air where she distanced herself from Erza who followed her movements.
The two of them keeping an eye on each other, Erza switched her armour where the audience cheered louder. "Requip: Armadura Fairy!" Erza cried out as she transformed into her very pink winged armour.

Lucy scowling, she held onto her katana with both of her hands and went into a steady stance. Her body levitating in the air, she waited. "Fairy Piercing Sword!" the scarlet then yelled out where she charged up her sword with a large amount of her power. With one fierce movement, she went flying towards Lucy with a battle cry.
As she charged forward, Fairy Tail feared for what's about to come once they saw the blonde smirk.

One of Erza's strongest attack... Against a Dragon Slayer who knows more than one element?! What type of outcome would that be?

Lucy focusing all of her magic towards the palm of her hands, the blade went back into her inventory leaving her bare-handed. Holding out both hands to have her palms facing Erza, the entire world all gasped when they saw Erza stopping midway with horrid eyes. Slowly growing behind her were four large dragons leering over to the scarlet. With beady red eyes and sharp canines that can rip through anything, they snarled at Erza where Fairy Tail paled from the sight and dreaded the future of this battle.

Behind Lucy were normal dragons but they paid no attention to that as what was in the centre was something they did not want to see again. There in the middle of the dragons was Acnologia...

"Surprise," the blonde sang before dropping to the ground with a large amount of force where a hole was made. Slowly standing up, she dashed over to the frozen Natsu and Gray and kicked them in the gut where they flew into the wall.

The noise made below loud enough to snap Erza out of it, she gritted her teeth where she raised her sword again. She needed to be strong and she continued to fight for the sake of her guild and for her own pride.

"Fairy Piercing –"

Acnologia gave out a high-pitched roar where Erza froze in her spot again in a fright. The memories from her last encounter with Acnolognia was terrifying.

Due to her frozen state, one of the other dragons flicked their tail, sending Erza crashing down to the ground. "How can that be?!" Makarov questioned out loud as he looked down to Lucy smirking at Erza who was slowly getting up from the ground with blood bleeding from her forehead.

Mavis sat there frozen as she watched Lucy use Acnologia to her advantage. "She's that powerful to create such an illusion?" she questioned as she slowly looked down to her shaking hands. "My magic is far different to hers, so that's the power of Evolved Magic..." Mavis whispered before watching Acnologia give out deafening roar again where everyone covered their eyes from the loudness.

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