"How is he?" Merlin asked bending next to Gaius.

"It's most odd," the physician said as he turned the knight's head on the other side. "Look at this. See these two small wounds. Looks like a snake bite,"

"How could he have been bitten by a snake? He was injured in the sword fight," Merlin asked, confused.

"I know," Eowyn said, as lost as her brother. "But the symptoms are consistent with poisoning: slow pulse, fever, paralysis," she explained.

"Can you heal him?" Merlin asked, worried for the knight.

"Well, if it is a snake bite, we'll have to extract venom from the snake that bit him to make an antidote," Eowyn told. Gaius stood up, getting a wet cloth on the table. Merlin, too, stood up.

"What happens if he doesn't get the antidote?" her brother asked. Eowyn only looked at Sir Ewan, a sad look on her face. If they don't get the antidote, there was no hope for the knight.

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do for him. He's going to die," Gaius told him.

"He was fighting Knight Valiant," Merlin muttered to himself. Eowyn frowned at her brother. He knew something that they didn't.

"What's that?" Gaius asked, whipping the forehead of the poisoned knighted.

"Nothing," Merlin said as he walked away. But he was a terrible liar and if he knew what happened to Sir Ewan, she, too, wanted to know. So she stood up, telling Gaius she would be back soon as she followed her brother. She exited the chambers and quickly caught up with Merlin.

"Where are going?" she asked, startling Merlin and making his snapping his head at her.

"I, uh, nowhere, I-" he stuttered, trying to find lie but it was useless. Eowyn knew him too well.

"Don't even try lying to me," she warned and Merlin sighed. She always knew when he lied. Well, almost everybody knew when he lied.

"I think Valiant is the one who poisoned Sir Ewan," he muttered so no one but Eowyn would hear. His sister widened her eyes at his words. It was serious accusations but she knew Merlin would never lie about something like that.

"Are you sure?" she asked and Merlin nodded. "But how? He can't be carrying snakes with him, can't he?"

"You would be surprised. Come on," he said and started walking away, Eowyn close behind. After a moment, the siblings arrived at Sir Valiant's chamber. Eowyn then understood what Merlin wanted to do: spying. He wanted to see how Sir Valiant poisoned Sir Ewan. The two siblings walked discreetly to war the room of the knight. The doors were slightly opened, allowing Merlin and Eowyn to peek inside the room. Sit Valiant was holding a mouse and walking to his shield. Then, the snakes came to life, going out of the shield. Eowyn widened her eyes, not believing what she saw. She had never seen such things before. Merlin and she were so used to do basic things with their magic by moving or carrying things. But bringing things alive? Never. At that moment, she knew that her brother would do great things in the future. As they were going to leave, Merlin tripped into something, making noises. Sir Valiant obviously heard it. The siblings quickly stood up. Merlin took the hand of his younger sister as they ran as fast as they could away from the knight's bedroom. Valiant took his sword and walked out of his room to check if anyone was there. Merlin and Eowyn arrived at the Criss-cross corridor and hid behind a pillar. Valiant walked passed them, but when he swa no one, he went back to his room. Eowyn released the breath she was holding. If Valiant would have seen them, she didn't know howbit could have end. Well, she did know how it could have end. Them beings killed. Both Eowyn and Merlin shared a relief look before going back to the Physician's chambers.

"We've just seen one of the snakes in Valiant's shield come alive. He's using magic," Eowyn said, entering the room followed by Merlin.

"Are you sure?" Gaius asked.

"The snake ate a mouse - one swallow, straight down. Sir Ewan was fighting Valiant when he collapsed. It must've been one of the snakes from the shield. I have to tell Arthur," Merlin said, ready to inform his master.

"Is there any chance you might be mistaken?" Gaius asked again, wanting to be sure at hundred percent.

"I know magic when I see it," Eowyn answered, sure of herself.

"Perhaps, but have you any proof?"

"Don't you believe us?" Merlin asked surprised.

"I fear you'll land yourself in trouble. How will you explain why you were in Valiant's chambers?" The physician explained.

"What does that matter? He's using magic to cheat in the tournament!" Merlin exclaimed.

"But Gaius' right, brother," Eowyn admitted. "We know Sir Valiant is using magic but without proof, it is serious accusations. Servant against Knight? We already know who the King will choose to believe," she hated it but it was the truth. They were at the base of the hierarchy scale. Uther would never believe them.

"What? So what I say doesn't count for anything?" Merlin asked, frustrated.

"I'm afraid it counts for very little as far as the King is concerned. That's the way it is," Gaius said.

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