Chapter 6: You're hard to resist, but you annoying the heck out of me!

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School ended before I knew it. My constant napping in all of my classes, not to mention most of them had Reed in it. I bet he set it up that way. Asshole...

Anyways, I picked up Melanie, ignoring Reed still, and we went home. Other than that, nothing much happened today.

"Hey Rave? Could I go to my friend Amy's for a while?" Mel snaps me out of my thought. I smile at her.

"Sure. Do you need a ride?" I offer. She shakes her head.

"No thanks. Her dad is coming to get me when I tell her you said I could."

"Okay. Text me if anything changes." I tell her before heading up to my room. As I walk up the stairs and into my room, I think about what's happened in the past week. Reed and Garret showed up, bringing up painful memories. I had a breakdown and screamed at them in the parking lot. I also had a girl I didn't even know come live with me. Jeez, when you think about it, my life has become pretty weird. Eh, who cares.

In my room, I change into a sports bra, a pair of short shorts, a tank top, and high top shoes. Then, I grab a hand gun and place it into my waist band. I know what you're think. Is this chick gun crazy? Well, for a matter of fact, no, I'm not. I'd just rather be able to defend myself when it comes to weapon to weapon combat. There's a lot of people that want revenge on me, as I've said before.

"I'm leaving! Bye, Rave!" I hear Mel shout downstairs and the closing of the front door. Shrugging a jacket on, I lock the door on my way out of the apartment. Finally, I get in my car and drive my way to work. What better way to release anger than street fighting?

-Later today-

"Give it up for Rave and the Pebble" The crowds laughs as the host messes up my opponent's name.

"Okay guys, sorry I made a mistake." He chuckle. "Rave and the Boulder!"

Boulder stupidly jumps at me and I quickly dodge to right. I whip around and kick him in the ribs. He groans in pain, but I don't stop there. I slam elbow against his jaw and he trips to the ground. I make a mistake of laughing for a split second. Before I know it, he turns around and back hands me.

"Whoops." I mutter to myself after I spit out blood and saliva. Swinging my foot around, I take both of his legs out. The thud of the impact makes my balance waver but I quickly regain it. Now it's my turn to get knocked over. Landing on my shoulder, pain radiates through my torso, but I ignore it.

"Come on, Pebble, you can do better than that!" I smirk at him. Then, he seem to notice my bruise from the whole punching-bag-tries-to-kill-me incident. Unfortunately, I'm not able to move away in time. He hits me about three times in the back, much to my displeasure, and flips me to hit my face. Not wanting him to get a hit, I wrap my legs around his waist, which gives me a better face shot. I slam each elbow into his face and then hit him with an upper cut. This seems to affect him, but it doesn't completely knock him out.

As a last effort, he wrap his large hands tightly around my throat to cut off my oxygen. Cheap move.

I repeatedly slam in his face with my right knee. At last, he finally goes unconscious. Instead of clapping and cheering, silence is the only thing the crowd can manage at the moment. And of course I know why. They're all shocked the 'almighty' Rave almost got beat.

The host walks over to me and offers me hand, but I stand up and shove him away, pissed.

"Give it up for Rave!" Few people do anything. I can feel their stares boring into my back as I walk, well more like stalk, to the back room.

"Damn, Taylors! What happened out there? The crowd is shocked as fuck!" Randy comes up to me as I grab my car keys and back to leave. I growl at him and he takes a few steps back, giving me space.

Tough Luck (Re-Writing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant