Chapter 8: Dream land

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Have you ever had one if those feelings where you just want to punch a wall for no apparent reason? Well, I've done that multiple times but that's not the point.

Everybody I know leaves me. Sure I got the boys, but they'll go off to college and find their mates. Libby will find hers. They'll move away to join a pack. And I'll just sit here. Alone. In this quiet apartment. Mel won't stay forever, Garret will soon give up, and me? There will be no 'me'. Over the years I've got quite a few enemies. They won't let me win forever.

This is the time I'm going to give you a little more insight about my life.

I had just turned 13 years old. I was a bubbly child. I never cared about what other kids thought of me. I always smiled, I helped hurt little animals. I loved flowers and the sunshine.

I came home one day to find my brother and parents gone. I found a paper that read:


We are sending your brother off to boarding school. We are going across the country and we aren't bringing you. We've left some money, take care of yourself. Don't ask for help.

Your parents, 


They left? Why did they take Garret? Why didn't they take me too? What if I can't feed myself? They didn't even say they loved me. I can't ask for help? Why didn't they sign their name?

I questioned myself this daily.

I questioned myself every time I got in a fight at school. Kids teased me about my parents not wanting me.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. My anger, sadness, and pain reaching the point to where I burst out into a furry little four-legged animal. I thought I finally realized why my parents didn't want me. I was a freak. A monster.

I came across a book later that day. I read it cover to cover multiple times. The title?


I understood then. Well, why I was this little creature anyways. Seeing what abilities I could have, I trained myself. Built up my strength.

Not too long later I was walking by an old warehouse. I heard shouting inside and curiosity got the better of me. Well you know, curiosity killed the cat. Unfortunatly, I'm not a cat, I'm a dog. Or wolf, whatever.

Basically that's how I got into street fighting. I started off with smaller, weaker opponents. Then as I got older and stronger, I made more money and fought the toughest of all.

Next I met Libby. She was getting bullied, so I took care of the problem. Libby seemed to stick to my side after I had mentioned not living with anyone. I'm glad, but then again I'm not.

About two years later I was robbed. I came home to find my apartment trashed and a lot of valuables gone. I knew who did it though. I could smell him. It was a guy I had just beaten the week before. Must've wanted his money he thought he had earned.

My life was pretty 'normal' you might call it after the robbery. I would fight, go home, sleep, go to school, and fight again. I was introduced to street racing soon after too. I bought my dagger, challenger, and Yamaha. I would soon begin to race after fighting every night. How much money do I have, you ask? My answer: more than I can count. I don't really pay attention to it, I just put it into a bank account.

Anyways, I bought my first weapons around when I turned fifteen. Well, actually I had a friend buy them for me since I was/still am underage and all.

Well, that's enough about me for now. Until next time...


This just gives you a little insight on Kelsey's past..

So I'm thinking maybe an interview with Kelsey an some other characters?? I know it gets on some people nerves but if you want one, let me know in the comment section!!

Also, comment a question(s)!!!

Thanks so much!

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