Chapter 20: A New Beginning

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I’m in turmoil in the inside as I stare at him. Only love and desire swarm in his eyes.

Don’t refuse him, one part of me screams. You don’t deserve this! You’ll regret it, the other hisses. I run a steady hand through my mate’s hair. He pushes close to me and whispers in my ear, “Don’t over think it. Go with your instinct,” then press his lips along my jaw. Little does he know my instincts are split. My heart tells me to continue, but my brain screams no at me.

“I-… I don’t know if…” I stutter breathlessly. Reed pulls back and looks me in the eyes.

“What is your heart telling you? What do you want?” He runs his fingers down my sides, causing me to shiver. I bring my hands up and cup his face.

“I can’t give you what you want, what you need. I can’t be your Luna. I just can’t-” My murmur is cut off with a long, soft kiss.

“You’re my mate because you’re exactly what I need, and I’m yours whole-heartedly.” He pauses. “I’ll give you all the time you need. Just don’t push me away, let me stand by your side.” I feel his breath on my hair. “Give me a chance to be your other half.”

I press a kiss against his throat and then push him back. His eyes widen and a flicker of rejection runs through them until I’ve pushed him far enough to where he falls back and I can straddle him. “One chance, but you should probably ask me out first. I don’t do one night stands.” With a wink, I grab a fresh pair of sweats and run into the bathroom. I hear a soft yes! on the other side of the door. I hope I’m not making a mistake.

I sing to myself as I rinse the shampoo from my hair, feeling a weight lift off my chest. Maybe the whole mate thing isn’t so bad. It occurs to me that I didn’t lock the door when I hear it creak. I call out Reed’s name.

“Do you want a sandwich,” he asks. I peek my head around the curtain and smile. Reed isn’t wearing a shirt and he had the bed head hair going on.

“Sure,” I say, and return to my shower with a shake of the head. Minutes later, while I’m shaving my legs, I hear the door open again. I poke my head out and see him now in only boxers.

“Your sandwich is ready,” he grins. I roll my eyes. I don’t suppose that the next time he walks in, he’ll be naked. Ah, not that I have a problem with that anyways. Heh.

“I’ll be out in a few minutes.” Try to keep your clothes on, I add mentally. I finish up and turn the water off. Sweats on, I leave the steamy room and join Reed on my bed.

“It’s peanut butter and jelly,” he informs me, passing me the plate.

“Grape or strawberry?”

“Grape.” I take a huge bite and gaze at him. He does the same. Moments pass before I speak again. “You’re glowing.” He really is. He can’t seem to wipe the huge smile off of his face.

“My mate is giving me a chance. What’s not to be happy about? I’ve been dreaming of this day for a long time.”

“That’s not creepy at all,” I laugh lightly and then yawn. He takes my plate and sets it on the nightstand. He then turns back to me and props himself up on an elbow.

“Do you mind if I stay here tonight?” Something flashes in his eyes, almost as if he expects me to kick him out. Normally I would, but I think him staying tonight will confirm the promise I’ve made to him. I have to show him I’m serious about it.

“Sure.” I bite my lip. “I can put in a movie, if you’d like.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Picking out a movie randomly, putting it in, and settling back into the bed, we wait silently, almost awkwardly, for the movie to start. I take a deep breath and scoot closer to him. He wraps an arm around my waist, causing me to lie half on him. “This doesn’t bother you, does it?”

“No. It’s a little weird being so close to someone though.” And it’s true. For years I’ve kept my distance from people. “I’ll get used to it.”

“I don’t want to freak you out. I can’t help wanting to be close to you.” His words warm my heart. I press a kiss to his chest in appreciation and then wrap my arms behind his neck to pull myself closer. The movie begins softly in the background.



“If we’re really meant for each other, I want to fall in love with you without our mate bond. Just you and me.”

“Whatever you want,” he gently replies. “Will you go on a date with me?” I move my head up to look at him with a smile.


Hey guys, sorry it's short and been so long since i've updated.

I hope you all like this chapter. I'll write more later, i promise!

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