Chapter 9: Not accoring to plan

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Race tournament at 11 pm tonight. You know the place, be there.  


Opening my mail, this is what I find, a little note from Louie.

Ah, tournaments are my favorite. Once or twice a year, the best racers across the east cost get together and race. Then the top two go to the 'championship' in the middle of the country. Then all the racers battle it out, a harsh competition. It's known for some people to die. The winnings? About a million dollars. I know you think that's a lot, but a lot of people come to watch these things, and they usually want to help build the anticipation. So far, in the times I've raced, I've won about two champion ships. Luckily, I've come out uninsured each time.

I quickly write a note out to Mel so she'll know I'll be gone later.


I won't be home until early morning tomorrow. Work stuff... Anyways, go out and get dinner or have something brought here. Be careful, I'll be back soon. 


I hurry up to my room and pack a bag of clothes. That and a couple weapons. You never know what'll happen.

I check my watch. 5 am. Okay, that gives me about 18 hours to get there, but I just need about 10-14 hours.

Grabbing my keys, a few snacks and drinks, and my bag, I drive to Louie's workshop.

"Louie! I need my Dagger. Is she ready?" I shout out.

"Yeah, hold on Rave. You want your Dagger or a Bugatti?"

A Bugatti? Damn, where do you have one of those?

"It's coming in a few hours. When you gotta leave?"

"Fuck. Well I have to leave now. My Dagger will do. I don't really care about winning this year." I say. He hands me my keys and I switch him my Challenger for my Dagger. "See you at the race or back here?"

"Probably here. I have to wait for the new shipments." He scowls. I smile.

"Save me a Bugatti if you can, Louie! See ya!" Laughing, I take off, dirt flying back.

-About 12 1/2 hours later-

"Is there any fucking space?" I slam my hand on the car horn. "Fucking move!" People look at me weirdly until they realize I'm a racer. Huh, maybe they'll let me through now.

"Problems, Rave?" A fellow racer, Quill, walks up next to my car. I frown.

"We need to get some damn flow in this jam." He laughs at my comment.

"You haven't changed at all Rave. Still bright red hair like your personality."

I roll my eyes. "Well of course. If I got soft I wouldn't be so dangerous, now would I?"

He laughs again. "I guess not."

"How's competition tonight?"

"No good racers anymore. Most retired or died. Hopefully we make it through." We both nod solemnly.

"See you in a bit, Quill. Looks like the bastards finally moved." Waving, I drive on.

"All racing participants take to the front. There is an urgent meeting you all need to be at." The host's voice comes over the radio station. I sigh. I drive, as quickly as I can, to make it to the meeting.

By the time I get there, I'm only hearing the end of the host's message.

"What's going on?" I ask Quill.

"There someone messing with some of the racer'a car. Hurry up and check yours." Oh shit.

I run to my unattended car and breathe out a breath I had been holding.

Checking my tires, engine, and others, I find my belt in the engine cut. Oh hell no!

"Fucking bastards messing with my car better watch out!" I yell out.

In my trunk, I search for another belt to replace it with.

"What's wrong, Rave?" Quill says behind me.

"The fucker cut my belt. I don't have another one either."



"Well, I don't exactly feel like racing this year... so you can drive mine if you want." He offers. I raise a brow.

"You know some of these racers can get pretty vicious. What if your car gets damaged?"

"That's my problem. Race for me?"

"I guess. Where it at?"

-6 hours later-


We all speed off, dust left behind, a few racers who chickened out at the last second.

A bright yellow car swerves in front of me. I jerk to the right, trying to avoid the car beside me.

Just then, a black truck hits the one next to me, taking out both of them in a split second. I try not to look back.

Quickly, I speed up to be beside the bright yellow car. He falls behind me, his car not able to pick up the pace.

I grimace as the orange car scrapes my left side.

I jerk to the right to make the turn perfectly. A couple cars fall behind also, leaving me and a blue car in the front. Perfectly aligned, neither of us is going faster than the other, or ahead not behind each other.

I glance over to see him wink at me. I turn my eyes to the front, confused.

I try to move in front of him, and I'm almost ahead, but he does what most desperate drivers do. He slams into my side.

Spinning two whole circles, my car is suddenly airborne. Oh fuck.

I believe I've made four rotations and two ground touches when the drivers door pops off. Good thing my seat belts on. Hah.

Finally, my car skids across the ground. My left leg and arm scrape against the cement. That's gonna leave some marks.

When my car comes to a full stop, my side still on the ground of course, there are only a few things that register in my mind.

One, Quill's car is so fucked up.

Two, screaming. Everywhere.

Three, my arm and leg hurts. Hell, my head and the rest of my body hurts too!

Four, everything is fading to black.

I suddenly fall unconscious.


So.... Yeah?? CLIFFIE!!!!!

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