Chapter 18: No control

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               It's short, I know! I just really needed to update. I've been pretty sick lately and have had a lot of homework, which sucks.

Anyways, please vote, comment, and/or fan!!


 “-heredity and patterns of inheritance. We’ve got about five minutes left, so I’ll let you all pack up. Remain in your seats, please. Remember your test on Thursday!” Oh great, I’ve been zoning out again. My cheeks puff up and I slowly sigh.

                “Do you still want to hang out later,” I hear Olivia ask beside me. I shrug, causing her to roll her eyes, which in return makes me roll mine too.

                “You can bring Melanie, too. We can chill at my place while my family is at Pep’s soccer game.” Pepper, or Pep, is her little sister.

                “Is Salt going with them,” I joke. Get it? Salt… Pepper… Salt would be her brother, by the way. Olivia snickers beside me.

                “Yeah, he’s going with them. I don’t think my mom would appreciate us almost burning the kitchen again.” I mutely agree, though laughing inside.

                About three months ago while Libby’s parents took Pepper to her soccer practice, they left her little brother, Dylan, at the house with us.


                “I want to watch Nemo!” Dylan wails. I rub my temples angrily as Libby argues with her brother.

                “We’ve watched Nemo a million time though!”

                “I don’t care!” he pouts.

                “Nemo should’ve died in the end! I bet you wouldn’t want to watch it so bad then.” As she speaks, tears well up and spill down Dyl’s cheeks.

                “I’m telling mommy you said that!” he screams and then proceeds to go to his room and slam the door shut.

                “Stupid brother,” Libby grumbles. I walk to the kitchen and she follows closely behind me. “Want to scare the hell out of him?” Her grin meets mine. We quietly take out a bunch of candles, throw a sheet over a tall lamp in the kitchen, and begin our plan. Setting the candles in random places, we then shut off the lights. As soon as we hear Dylan open his bedroom door, we take cover behind the couch.

                “Olivia? Kelsey?” I hear his little feet shuffle against the carpet. Winking at Olivia, she begins to make ghost moans. I knew Dylan would turn around quickly and see the white sheet on the lamp and think it’s a ghost.


                A crash sounds from his general direction. I peep from behind the couch and see the sheet lit up in fire. Turns out, Dylan knocked the lamp over into the candle. We pop out from behind the couch.

                “What do we do?!” Olivia panics. I twirl around to look for a fire extinguisher but come up empty. Rushing to the sink, I grab the pull out sprayer and point it towards the sheet. The fire goes out a few short minutes later.

Flashback over.

                Their mother didn’t appreciate our mean humor. But you’ve got to admit, it’s always fun when messing with your siblings. “I’ll bring pizza and ice cream too.”

                “Bring cookies and cream,” she squeals, clapping her hands happily. She likes cookies and cream and I like mint chocolate chip. We always seem to switch throughout though. Slowly, we make our way out of the class.

                “Of course!” What’s hanging out without ice cream? As I’m about to speak again, I get a whiff of my mate’s scent. I wave a goodbye to Libby and jump into my car. “Come on, Melanie.”

                “Are you avoiding me?” Reed’s is suddenly beside me. I mentally smack my forehead.

                “Of course not,” I grumble, rolling down my window. Reed leans against my car. “Listen, I need you to figure out when my parents leave for here.” He nods and bites his lip. Oh god that’s sexy, I think before I can stop myself. Wait, what? Ugh! No, Kelsey, you aren’t supposed to think of him like that.

                “What are you thinking about?” he asks.

                “You,” I blurt. Do I have no control of myself right now? Oh my gosh! I feel my cheeks heat up.

                “Okay,” he chuckles. I pause before I speak again.

                “Can you keep Melanie’s cousin busy? I don’t trust her alone at my apartment.” His brows furrow.

                “You can’t take her with you?”

                “If I wanted her to ruin my whole night, I’d bring her with me. Please, just keep her busy for a while?” I give him puppy dog eyes, no pun intended. He sighs and nods. Hell yeah!


Reed and Angela are going to get a little alone time? Uh oh!

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