Chapter 4: Forming A Plan. Not So Easy.

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Reed leans in and kisses me on the cheek. My whole face burns with the tingles traveling through it.

"Please don't leave." he begs me.

"I-I don't know." I stutter. "Being here just causes problems."

"I don't want you to go. No matter how much you deny it, you are my mate. I would never kill you. You know that." He caresses my cheek with his hand. This time, I can't stop the shiver that runs through me.

"D-don't do that." I back away. "Why does my body react to you like this?"

"Because we're mates, Kelsey. You're supposed to be with me, mated." He steps forward.

"Reed, please. Just go home. I need some rest." I say, voice strained. He sighs.

"Okay. I'll see you later. We will talk about this." Reed warns and then leaves. I quickly shut the door and lock it. Going to my room, I pass out on my bed, not bothering to even put my covers on or to change.

"Kelsey, wake up." My shoulders are shaken. "Wake up, you lazy bitch!" I jump up and look around. Of course, it's Olivia.

"Libby, if you weren't my best friend, I would you." I snap sleepily. She laughs at me.

"Hey Kelsey, who's the girl sleeping in the room down the hall?"

"That's Melanie. She'll be living with me for now on." Libby nods and doesn't question.

"So are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" I ask.

"For school, dummy! It's tomorrow." I gasp.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Nope." She checks her appearance in my body mirror. "Are you ready to see the boys?"

The boys are a group of mine and Libby's guy friends. We don't hang out with the girls, and we've been hanging with the guys since eighth grade.

"Yup. I'm going to shower, okay?" Libby shrugs.

Grabbing a pair of black short shorts, a tight green shirt, and my polka dotted bra and underwear set, I head off to shower.

I feel refreshed after the long hot water that relaxed my muscles. Dressing and then putting on my minimal make-up, I walk down stairs and smell a wonderful smell. I guess Libby made breakfast. Yum. Libby makes the best pancakes ever!

"Hey, Libby? Want to take Mel shopping today? She needs school clothes." I sit down at the small dining table I have. Libby puts a plate of pancakes in front of me. I grin.

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