Chapter 20

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Hey everyone sorry for the long wait and shorter chapter, but this one was such a pain for me to write for some reason and I just wanted to finally get it out. The next one might be a bit shorter as well, but after that, I'll hopefully get my chapters back up to their normal length. I just really wanted to give Kagome a chance to say goodbye to her old life for good before giving all her energy into her new one.

Kagome silently fumed as she watched Kirara safely lower her two idiots to the ground. They better have a plan or so help them she would kill them both when they get out of here. What in the world were they thinking? Well, obviously they weren't! Honestly, who willingly mind walks into the head of an unconscious child who has a crazed Miko after them? Its obviously a trap!

The moment Kirara landed and the boys started getting off was the moment Kagome started stomping over to them. Shikaku noticed her and conveniently distanced himself from the blond next to him by quickly taking a few steps back. Inoichi on the other hand was seemingly starstruck with Kirara and didn't notice Kagome until it was too late.

Kagome reeling her fist back and flowed chakra down her arm before punching Inoichi in the gut. Inoichi let out a grunt of pain as he collapsed onto the ground and he held his stomach. She heard bursts of surprised shouts from her friends who weren't used to her using her fists while Minato chuckled in good humor.

"Are you two completely stupid or something?" Kagome fumed angrily but was more driven by her worry for the two of them.

"Aww, Kagome, what do you mean?" Inoichi groaned out from his position on the ground. She really hadn't held back from that punch, if he hadn't noticed at the very last second and strengthen the area she was aiming at with chakra he probably would have gone flying. As usual, he was torn between being proud and being terrified. Because if she was this strong now, just how strong was she going to be when she was all grown up?

"Well, I know for a fact that neither of you were close enough for me to accidentally pull you in as I did with Minato. So, that means you, Yamanaka, willing mind walked into my head knowing something was wrong. Do you even have a plan or did you think you'd just be able to simply pull me out once you got in?" She semi-ranted at them.

Shikaku let out a long sigh as he placed a hand on her head to calm her down a bit, "Relax, Kid. I'm here too right? Which means actual thought got put into this mission."

"Hey." Inoichi pouted in annoyment at the blatant barb thrown his way.

"Can the crazy lady hear us?" Shikaku asked, ignoring his friend.

Kagome frowned in thought as she shot a glance at Kikyo, "I don't think so?"

Kikyo cast her Ki out searching for any foreign energy around, "I do not sense her anywhere near, but I can put up a barrier while you talk for extra security if you would like."

"That would be very helpful, thank you," Inoichi said politely.

An idea popped into Kagome's mind and she reached into one of the pouches strapped to her leg and hoped that all of her equipment was there. She gave a little shout of joy when she pulled out some of her fuinjutsu and sutra combo papers. She handed them over to Kikyo, "Here key yourself into these, I made them as a specialized silencing barrier. They have become necessary on missions lately."

Kikyo took the sutra papers, cut her finger, and placed her bloody finger on the Fuinjutsu seals to activate them. Seconds later she had them placed around the group. She sat down and activated her ability, instantly a barrier sprung into existence around them. Both Kikyo and Miroku were visibly surprised.

Kagome let out a small amused laugh at their surprise, "Yeah, you don't need to meditate to keep it active. The only thing it requires is access to your power. After feeling rather useless having to keep a barrier active during my first mission I started looking into ways to make a strong barrier without made these a couple of months ago. They still need a few tweaks, but they work decently well. I just want them to work a bit better."

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