Chapter 11

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Kagome glared at the building in hatred. She did not know anybody and would probably know more than everybody. This was ridiculous and pointless. The academy loomed in front of her, mocking her. A calming hand was placed on her head and she looked up. Minato was looking down at her with a supportive smile.

"Do you want me to walk you in?" he asked gesturing to the other kids being walked in by their parents.

Kagome shook her head, "No, I'll be fine. I'll just find my classroom and claim a good spot."

"Are you sure? I don't mind." His own dad had walked him to the door every year until he graduated. Kagome was insisting that the gate to the school was good enough.

Kagome glanced into the schoolyard and could already see the odd looks sent her way. The rumor of her being a witch had spread like wildfire the past month. She has somehow miraculously managed to keep her forced isolation a secret from Minato who would go ultra-big-brother-mode on all the kids and she didn't want that. If the kids were stupid enough to be afraid of her from a random rumor, she didn't need them as friends. If all else failed and she wasn't able to make any new friends she would always have Guy. He might be a bit of a weird kid, but honestly, she could care less. He was a good friend who wasn't afraid to be himself. Those were the type of people she liked.

She realized that Minato was still waiting for a response, "Really, I'll be fine. I promise I'll see you after school."

He had demanded that he be allowed to pick her up after her first day of school, something about it being a tradition.

Minato let out a sigh, "Fine, deal. See you after school. Have fun."

Kagome pouted at him, "Have fun? How? It's school."

"Haha, very funny. Now get in there."

Kagome gave him a quick hug before making her way into the schoolyard. The looks the other kids were giving her bore into the back of her head. Ugh, today was going to be a long day.

It wasn't very long until she was tackled by a green blur who wrapped her in a tight hug, "Kagome! I didn't know you were going to be here too." Guy greeted excitedly.

"Hey Kiddo, how've you been?" Might Duy asked her. She hadn't gotten to see the two of them for a while because of her training. When she and Guy trained together, she usually ended up walking him back home. She had a nice relationship with his dad, who was thankful for her befriending his son.

"Not too bad, busy." She answered him before turning her attention onto Guy, "I almost forgot that you were starting this year as well." She said. For some reason, she thought that he was starting next year.

"Do you think we'll be in the same class?" he asked innocently.

Kagome let out a small laugh, "Ah, no. I'm in a class two years ahead of yours. I think we all have the same lunchtime, however, so if you want to meet up for lunch we can."

Guy deflated for a moment, "That sucks." He commented before pepping himself back up, "Lunch will be great, I can't wait." He shouted before letting her go and running off for the school.

"Thank you." Might Duy said sincerely before following after his hyperactive son.

Kagome waved after them before simply wandering a bit. The class didn't officially start for another fifteen minutes, it being the first day and everything, so she had time to kill. She watched parents drop their kids off for a few minutes. The Hokage himself was dropping off a kid that looked her age. Huh, she hadn't really thought about him having any kids. There was also a guy with white hair dropping off what looked like a really short first-year boy off. The boy had grey/silver hair that seemed to defy gravity, and a face mask hiding the bottom half of his face. She had seen the two of them around town a few times and each time their hair reminded her of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. There were a few rather dramatic partings that had amused her to no end. How did they think they were going to become shinobi if they couldn't even leave their parents? Some of them weren't even first-years. Eventually, she had enough people watching and made her way in to find her classroom. She found it with little trouble and saw there were a few already there, along with the sensei. The sensei asked her name so he could check her in. She gave it and the teacher frowned slightly. There was probably a note from the Hokage by her name explaining her situation. While she was going to be in this class most of the time, she was likely to bounce between the years to learn specific things. He told her to take a seat for now and that she could introduce herself to the class once it started. Everybody else in the class had been together for the past two years, she was the only new addition.

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