Chapter Three

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Kagome was stuck in the hospital for another week and a half since the Hokage had welcomed her into the village. She had thrown herself into reading anything and everything that she could get her hands on. There was a lot about this world that she didn't know and that really bothered her. At least when she got sent back in time to the feudal era, she had her own history lessons to go off of. The geography was still the same, even if there were tons of more trees. This world, however, was completely different. She didn't know how to traverse this village, outside of the walls was just out of the question.

She had been cleared to leave the hospital four days ago now and she was getting anxious to leave. Apparently, she had started accepting the medical ninjutsu much better once she had woken up. She was healed up enough to walk around, though she did have to take it easy for another month. She knew that she had to wait for her new guardian, who the Hokage was being quite tight-lipped about, but she wanted out of this room. She was dying to be out in nature again, just seeing the trees outside of the window was torture. She was hoping that the person she would be living with for this year would have at least one tree by their house. She had spent the last year exclusively in the feudal era, surrounded by nothing but nature. She was by no means a city girl anymore. She let out a sigh as she put the book down on the history of Konoha. While she did want to learn as much as she could, she was bored. She was getting tired of only reading. She did need to compile information, but she needed something to do in-between that. Her seven-year-old mind was itching to do anything else at the moment. With another sigh she started picking up the book again, it wasn't like there was anything else to do. In the end, reading was better than just sitting on the bed, bored. She spent another hour reading when her door was suddenly thrown open. For the past two weeks whenever someone entered her room they knocked first, so what she did next she decided that she had a pretty good excuse.

Kagome let out a shriek and promptly threw the book at the intruder. The flat part of the book connected with the face of the surprised intruder before it fell to the floor with a thump. Kagome's eyes went wide and her hands went up to cover her mouth. She had not meant to actually do that, it had been a complete reflex, "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" Kagome blurted out.

The man was frozen there in shock, his forehead turning red from where the book had made contact. Suddenly he burst out in laughter, "It's good to see that you're feeling better."

Kagome took a better look at the man, he looked about fifteen. It was then Kagome noticed his blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Kagome's hands dropped and she looked at him with wide eyes, "It's you. You're the one that saved me, aren't you?" Kagome asked.

The guy smiled at her as he entered to room more and sat down next to her, "Yup, that was me. Well, my sensei and myself. My name is Minato Namikaze, what's yours?"

"Kagome Higurashi." She answered simply.

"Nice to meet you Kagome-chan. I was hoping that you would wake up before I had to go out on a mission, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I was told I get the next three months off without of village missions though while you're on your first stretch of probationary time."

Kagome looked at him slightly confused, "What?"

"Didn't the Hokage tell you?" Minato asked. When Kagome shook her head, Minato let out a fond sigh, "Of course he didn't. He was probably waiting for me to make a fool of myself. Anyway, I was told this morning when I got back, that my request to house you got accepted. So, as of today, you'll be moving in with me." He smiled at her.

Kagome was dumbfounded for a moment; this guy was going to be her guardian? He was still a kid himself, shouldn't she be put with an adult? Now she knew what was behind the knowing smirks the Hokage had been giving her the past couple days. She gave a silent sigh at the Hokage's sense of fun, "So, you're gonna be my guardian from now on?" Kagome asked the cheery blond. This was going to be odd, that's for sure. It was going to take some time to remember that she was seven again. So, to her mind a boy that was younger than she had been was going to be looking after her. That was really going to take time to work her mind around. He should be listening to her, not the other way around her mind thought ironically.

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