Chapter Four

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A few hours later they had cleaned up breakfast and finished painting Kagome's new room, it was now a nice shade of green. They were now heading out into town to do the promised grocery shopping. Kagome side-eyed Minato briefly, he had been acting shifty all morning. She could tell he had something planned, but she had no idea what it could be. She didn't know him nearly long enough to know any of his tells. She had only met him yesterday afternoon. She was keeping her concerns on the down-low for the moment though. Right now, she was focusing on learning what was where. She needed to get to a point where she wasn't constantly lost. At the very least she needed to know how to get back to Minato's house. She didn't think of it of her house, not yet at least. They had been walking around for about twenty minutes, not buying anything quite yet. Minato was just pointing out where things were to her. Suddenly, something caught her eye. A smile split her face and she jogged away from Minato without even thinking.

"Inoichi-san!" Kagome greeted happily as she hugged him. She considered Inoichi her first friend in this world. They had gotten along really well when he came to visit her at the hospital.

Inoichi laughed and patted her head happily, "Well, hello Kagome-chan. It's nice to see you out of the hospital. Where is your guardian though, you're supposed to be with someone, remember?" He knew that this part was going to be hard for her, she was used to being pretty independent. She was used to looking after people, not being looked after.

A blush flushed across her face as she looked around, she had forgotten that she needed to stick close to him. When she saw the head of bright blond hair, she pointed at him, "Oh, he's over there. I honestly thought he would have noticed me walking away from him. Situational awareness and all that." Kagome deadpanned. Weren't ninjas supposed to notice everything around them?

Inoichi chuckled in amusement as he watched Minato look around frantically for his missing charge, "Don't hold it against him, he's not used to having to consciously keep track of someone. So, you got put with Minato huh?" he asked as he started leading Kagome back to her new guardian.

"You know him?" Kagome asked as she followed Inoichi back towards Minato, "In your opinion, what is he like?"

Inoichi looked down at Kagome seriously, she was pretty much asking if the person she got settled with was a good person. That was easy enough to answer at least, "He's pretty much an all-around good guy. He tries to help people out as much as he can. His moral compass is about as good as yours is. He can have a bit of a playful streak; he was quite the prankster when he was in school." A devious smirk crossed his lips as he remembered some of Kagome's memories, "He also has a huge crush on a certain red-head beauty."

Self-proclaimed matchmaker Kagome smiled deviously as well, oh yeah her and Inoichi were going to get along just fine, "Is that so? Who is this mystery lady?"

"Her name is Kushina Uzumaki. She's a loudmouth with a fiery temper. She can be a bit scary at times, but other than that she's usually pretty nice. He's had a crush on her for years, but she's being pretty stubborn about it. Not that she hates his attention, he isn't pushing himself on her. I just don't think she realizes he's completely serious about his feelings. Perhaps she needs a push from Minato's new adorable little sister."

Kagome blushed and scowled at the same time, "We aren't siblings, we literally just met yesterday."

"Yeah, and how quickly did you mentally add your feudal friends into your family? A couple of weeks after you met them? I give you by the end of the month before you start calling Minato Nii-san." He teased. To most it would probably seem like he was being mean to a kid ten years younger than him, however knowing Kagome has the mindset of an eighteen-year-old he didn't bother holding anything back.

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