Chapter 12

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Ugh, I cannot tell you how many times I re-wrote this chapter. I'm still not fully okay with it, but if I keep fiddling with it, I'll never post it. Just to clarify something about this story as I've had to answer this question a few times now. This is going to be a very long story split between two halves. The first half is Kagome growing up in Konoha, making friends and allies, and building up her skills as a kunoichi. The second half starts when Naruto is born, it will all be in the same story though. Since I don't want the story to last forever, as I am very determined to finish this one, if/when I continue the story into Shippuden I might make that into like a book two scenario. Otherwise, this story would just never end. Anyway, enough of my rant. Enjoy the chapter everyone!

Kagome idly worked on her homework made up for her by Shikaku, Inoichi, and Minato. The homework given out by the academy continued to be laughably easy, so those around her created harder material for her to work on. A few months had passed since that first day of school it was hard to believe that she had been in this world for almost a year now. Her birthday had gone and passed and Minato had planned a nice party for her, inviting all of her new friends. She had managed to make a couple of more friends past Asuma, Kurenai, and Guy.

Obito Uchiha had been the first and he had been the one to approach her. He was a very sweet boy with a big heart. She constantly saw him around helping the elderly carry their things. It tended to always make him late, but he tried his best. He had come up to her one day bluntly saying that he thought the rumors about her were a load of crap and he wanted to be her friend. Who was she to say no to him? He had never been mean to her before, so she didn't mind gaining a new friend. He had a dream to become the first Uchiha Hokage and he was fighting the good fight to make that possible. She thought his goal was a good one and she was cheering him on.

Obito had quickly introduced her to Rin Nohara. Rin was all smiles, hugs, and encouraging words. Kagome genuinely liked the girl; the only problem was how similar she was to Sesshomaru's ward. The only saving grace was that they looked different. Their personalities were extremely similar though. They went shopping together occasionally with Kurenai joined them from time to time as well. Both Rin and Obito had commandeered the table behind hers so they were a tight group during class now.

There was also a boy from Guy's year that she had hit it off with. Ibiki Morino had caught her practicing with her senbon and recognized the pressure points and near-lethal spots she was hitting. The way she knew anatomy and ways to inflict large damage without killing aligned exactly with what he wanted to learn. He had asked her to train him and she had agreed because his determination drew her in. He was only five and he already knew what he wanted to be when he grew up. His goal was to become Konoha's lead interrogator. She was eager to help him out as best as she could. He had even started eating lunch together with Guy and herself, though he tended to ignore Guy for the most part. She was trying to get them to get along more, but Guy's exuberance really annoyed Ibiki.

The other kids in the school had been split up between three groups. The people that bullied her. The ones that completely ignored she existed. And then there was the creepy-ass fan club that had formed. She tried to avoid those people as much as possible. They truly and honestly gave her the creeps. The bullying had definitely ramped up since day one. She could care less, however. Honestly, she found it comical how hard those kids tried to make her feel bad without even really knowing why they were doing it. She had enough of a friend base, however, so they didn't really phase her. Minato had found out about it and had been absolutely furious about it. There really wasn't much he could do about it though. He had talked to the sensei about it, but the teacher really didn't like her either. So, he didn't actually do anything about it and regularly turned a blind eye. She was pretty sure his attitude was either one of two things. He wasn't from one of the main clans so he must have started as a civilian. So, one thing he could be bitter about was her being adopted into a main clan which gave her a small boost in life. The other thing could be he didn't like teaching kids who had more potential than himself. She had heard about sensei's out there like that failed potential genin that were better than themselves.

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